Checking out Stellar Lumes
Stellar started in 2014 as a spin-off of Ripple.Jed McCaleb,left ripple to start stellar

Why would he create Stellar Lumes?
Jeb McCabel knew that Ripple was focused on providing solution to banks, so he wanted Stellar to aim to help facilitate payment between people. Stellar Lumens is the currency used by the Stellar networks and when the network was started 100 Billion Lumes(XLM) was created.Transaction using lumens cost just .0001 XLM, which is less that a faction of a penny and It usually take 6 -10 seconds to complete.How does Stellar work?
What makes Stellar valuable is the organization that act as"Anchors".Anchors are entities that people trust to hold their deposits and issue credits into the Stellar network for those deposits. All money transactions in the Stellar network (except lumens) occur in the form of credit issued by anchors, so anchors act as a bridge between existing currencies and the Stellar network Source.

How can I buy Stellar Lumes
You can buy Stellar Lumes in a few different exchanges that trade stellar but you have to buy one of the most popular cryptocurrency like Bitcoin,Ethereum, Litecoin to then be able to buy stellar. A few of the exchanges that trade stellar are Binance,Bittrex,HitBTC,Koinex,Poloniex,CoinEgg. At the moment Stellar Lumes is trading at .230380 USD,just a few cents so its pretty cheap right now compare to what it could be in the future when we see cryptocurrency actually take off and start becoming used and accepted worldwide.

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