
Nice! Found that I can parse and code in python somewhat successfully but mainly use NodeJS. I find once you somewhat learn one language the others are slightly easier to grasp.

The exception to this is Assembly. lol

await but if I were to give D&D chars to the languages it would be like:@kyle Python is very very readable. JS has gotten better with

Paladin - Python, always wanting to be pythonic.

JS - Mage,

const castSpell = async (spell, mana) => {
    await spell(mana);

TS - Grand Wizard, knows all the types inside the magic that the mage doesnt.

C++ - The Ranger, always helping everybody in the background.

PHP - The Town Dunkard, everyone tries to avoid him and he's always talking gibberish that makes no sense.

Ruby - The Bard, slow to wake up, reminiscences of the good ole days, but a few people still listen to him sing his songs