Education Propaganda by Uploading Books' Photos on Social Media

in #stemeducation7 years ago

In my environment reading books is not a trend. It is hard to find people read in many place, such cafetaria, coffeshop, bus and many public fasilities.

I've found three main reasons why people don't read books:

  1. Reading book is not popular.
  2. There is few (hard to find) in our town.
  3. The price is not friendly, compared to people income averagely.

Then I do such a new thing for myself in playing social media such FB, IG, WA, BBM and LINE. Upload my little collection. Everytime I get new books, I always upload them, giving such persuasive or propaganda caption.

People asked," Why you always show and upload your book on social media? That's cruel, many people own and read more than you."

Then I replied," I want to influence my people to read and own books. Don't worry about the price, as not too expensive, because books is different with food that only used untill poop. And, my dream, one day I want to share books to my people free (at cost, but need to pay by resuming in 10-30 pages)."

That is dream. One of the first step is being rich or owning alot of books then lend them some (by conditions).

"This is how love is being expressed".

I love you so much, my "Cemeti".


Koleksi bukunya sangat banyak. Saya sangat tertarik membaca buku tentang sejarah islam lumayan 😁 memang sedang lagi pengumpulan buku untuk saat ini. Target capaian pembelian dalam sebulan alhamdulillah 2X lipat. Target awal 10 jadi 20 sekian sudah. Sejak tanggal 1 januari. Rejeki.

It's good stimulate others to read and own books. You are contributing to enhance the rate of literacy here in our lovely town. I think some people who love books and reading it should recommend each other. It'll be gorgeous if you start a book club. Keep it up, bro!

Is it in library bro?

I am new in collecting books and re-new in reading books. That's why I provoke people to read and having books by uploading my collection.@rizal-sahabat my private library 😁

The last photo is in Gramediabookstore, Banda Aceh.