
If this is your original content, please verify your account to avoid downvotes. Thank you!

I'd say if this Alex Fortin guy isn't posting his Steemit videos to Steemit, anyone posting them is fair game. Where are you Alex? :)

Edit: I changed my opinion and downvoted this post because Alex has come and posted it on Steemit, explaining why it wasn't posted yet. I didn't realize that the video was only uploaded hours before. It's common sense and courtesy to let a video maker talking about Steemit have a chance at posting their own video before you post it within hours of them uploading it.

I'm here. I uploaded to youtube overnight so I just posted on my blog this morning. Here is the link:

Alex if you don't want me to post anymore of your videos, I will be glad to comply and when my 24 hours is up I will give you half of the earnings. ( i did not expect any of my post to get this much attention).

Okay, I appreciate it Ted and I will upload my video to Steemit.
I hope you enjoy the platform

Original content or not, it doesnt matter! People post on their facebook all the time ( i can give you millions of examples).

Do you get rewards on Facebook?

good talk lol

exactly, talk. lol

Why you think this platform is DECENTRALIZED. It doesn't matter if you get rewards. A blog is anything you want it to be. (Interest, hobbies ect.) Im suppose to post what "tuck" says lol get real.

Then you should have no issues with me downvoting your copypasta content. You're taking money away from original content creators.

"It doesn't matter if you get rewards." So you shouldn't mind me taking some of those rewards you earned off of other people's content away from you.

Post original content that you created and I will reward you. Continue copypasting other people's content without attribution and not even letting commentors know you're not the content creator when they have attributed you as the author and I will continue downvoting you and asking others to as well.

It's decentralized, remember? I will vote how I wish. Do I have to vote how tedvernon says? lol get real. ;)

I like your thoughts ;) Been following your youtube channel lately thanks for sharing!

Thanks @joost but this is not my account. The original Video is on my account:

This account does not belong to Alex Fortin. Alex's account is at :

so what??

I like awarding original content and original authors. I don't like seeing daily payouts given to people pasting other peoples work without giving them credit and making money off of their hard work.

Look here tuck , trust me I REALLY understand where you coming from and I apologize if i rubbed you the wrong way, but this is why the platform is decentralized in the first place. I know you may like the content as well as I do ( reason why i post) but I think we are entitled to freedom of choice thus you awarding a persons post (which you do not have to.)

You know what, it does not matter about you copy someone else content and make money out of it, no one has the right to stop you or tell you, you are doing wrong stuff here. But people, I hope, have their dignity and think for others a bit.
Steemit is decentralized. So what? It does not encourage users to steal other people stuff and become popular! This is making no sense.
We can accept if the tittle not only #ALEX, we want something more clear. Ex: A talk/discuss from AlexFortin. And at the end of the video, we expect a link to the source.
Right now, I already FLAG your post, and I make sure once every 30 minutes I come back and comment the real link.
Put yourself in other people' shoes, you work online, earn money online, and one day you realize, your work is stolen you are not even linked or mentioned in the re-post of that person. How would you feel?
My apologize if I said someone wrong above, no personal prejudgement, if you really just repost without thinking much, it is fine! However, please, next time, make sure you follow the work-cited rules. The page I can recommend you is NOODLE TOOL, it help you work cited sources in a professional way.
I keep an eye on this post.

Many thanks for reading.

I think it's funny some of you want to down vote this guy for posting what he considered quality content with no knowledge Alex had any intent to post it to Steemit.