Electronics circuit can be made by simultaneously forming individual transistors,diodes and resistors on a small chip of silicon.The components are connected to one another with aluminium 'wires' deposited on the surface of the chip.The result is an integrated circuits .
An Integrated circuits (IC's) can contain as a few as several to as many as hundreds of thousands of transistors.They have made possible video games,digital watches affordable computers and many other very sophisticated products .
An Integrated circuit are grouped into two major categories:Analogue or linear and Digital or logic integrated circuit.
Analogue Integrated circuit produce,amplify or respond to variable voltages.Analogue integrated circuits include many kinds of amplifiers,timers,oscillators and voltage regulators.
Digital or logic integrated circuit respond or produce signals having only two voltage levels.Digital integrated circuits include microprocessors,memories,microcomputers and many kinds of simpler chips.
some integrated circuits combine analogue and digital functions on a single chip.for example,a digital chip may include a built in analogue voltage regulator section.And an analogue timer chip may include an on-chip digital counter to give much longer time delays than possible with the timer alone.
It is smaller in size
It is lower in weight
It has low power requirement
It has low cost
It has high gains and low phase shifts
It has wide frequency response
Unwanted parasitic couplings between components and the formation of parasitic transistors and diodes.
Limited range of transistors and capacitors values
Low precision in resistor values
High temperature coefficients
Lack of inductors
[source](www.hobby project.com)
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