Honey is a substance produced by bees and some other social insects from nectar or honey dew that they collect from living plants,which they transform by evaporating the water and action of enzymes they themselves secret (Grane 1994)
Honey has a flavor and Aroma consistency including types and spread of granulation.
Natural honey comprises reducing sugars moisture,sucrose,hydroxymethyl furfuran. Its supplies wide range of vitamins,amino acids and both macro and micro nutrients (U.merin et al,1998).It also contain inhibit,hydroproline,collagen,high level of glycerin and proline which play on important role in collagen formation (Udupa 1973).
It has low percentage water and PH value which hydrogen peroxide is the major one that provides its antimicrobial activity of honey,content of sugar and other nutrients are important for the promotion of healing process .It also increases the blood for a new tissue.It supplies glucose necessary for their "respiratory burst" to destroy bacteria (Molan 1998).
It has been a valuable survival for primitive people according to Solomon King of Israel around B.C.(proverbs 24 vs.13)."Eat honey my son for it good" also sura 16:68-69 of holy Quran refer to as quoted below.
68: and the laws taught the bee to build its cell in the hills,and in men's habitations.
69:Then to eat.......Their comes from within their (the Bees) bodies from within (the Bees) bodies a drunk varying colors,where in is healing for man.
By reason of the sweetness,it contains basic food ingredients such as protein ,carbohydrates,fats and glucose are absorbed directly into the blood and provide a rapid sources of energy without the need of digestion.
As food ,honey is mainly composed of the simple sugar,fructose and glucose.It provides immediately calories from which it derives its energy value for healthy and sick people.
Honey is said to improve food assimilation and to be useful for chronic and infective intestinal problems such as constipation duodenal, ulcer and liver disturbance. salem (1981) and halffejee and moosa (1985) have reported successful treatment of various gastro intestinal disorder.
It eradicate infections and stop the growth of many bacteria.
How is it convenient for an individual to believe that 3-4 stings from bee are good for human health ? though too much stings (five sting upwards) can be poisonous to life. The chemical substance containing in the sting called bee venom or apitoxin cures major oilments like Rheumatism arthritis even recommended to psychiatric patients.As a beekeeper'bee sting is an inevitable experience to share.
Bees do not sting readily, until they have sat down on the bore skin.bees only sting when their movement is disturbed or irritated by the beekeepers.To avoid sting, bee should not be killed in the apiary, rather brush them aside off the body, because the crushed dead bees alert the whole colony with odor that danger is around.
It plays a big role in the prevention of cancer as well as heart disease.
It promote the dehydration of the body and more quickly clear up the diarrhea and any vomiting and stomach upset.
Honey has been used as a medicine since ancient times in many countries and is still used in fold "Medicine " for curing of many ills. The virtue of honey in preventing many of several others particular the asthma cough , hypertension,vomiting during pregnancy,sexual disorders associated with ageing and diabetes mellitus.
Honey is remarkable remedy for conjunctivitis and ear infection (otitis media) duodenal ulcers (stomach) toothache,congetis,sore throat,mouth disease,typhoid fever,hair loss and skin rashes and many more.
Honey can be mixed with sure portions to have desired effects certain oilments which include licking to clear husky voices,to achieve this honey may be mixed with palm oil,lemon juice,guinea pepper and bitter cola.
It provide immediate relief in symptoms like cold,cough,sore throat,congestion of chest and running nose.
Honey is used on the base of it being and antibacterial substances but the nature and extent of its antibacterial activity is not widely known.A large amount research work has been on the antibacterial activity of honey,but the results of this remain unknown to most users of honey because the work is so widely spread overtime, and is published in different journals and in different languages.Because of the importance of the awareness of the antibacterial activity of honey in order to realize the full potential of honey as a therapeutic substance, this study becomes very important.
Sep 22, 2014 - Al-Waili NS, Saloom KY.)
by NS Al-Waili - 1999 -)