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RE: Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia: A condition that could make you star in your own horror films.

in #stemng7 years ago

Hello @florae

I am glad you touched on this topic today. I have known this skin issue for years and, being a Microbiologist, I knew it must be a genetic issue but haven't really taken a closer look at it.

This condition can cause adverse effects on their well-being and also ruin their social life. I saw a video of two Indian brothers during the course of my study, who are affected by hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED- the short form) in a local town/ village. The villagers made these boys lives miserable by isolating from them, calling them really hurtful names like monkeys, wizards, ghosts etc, threw stones at them and even provoked local dogs to attack these boys because of this condition; quite sad you would say but this is because they find this condition strange and are not learned enough to try to be civil about the situation.

You talking about Indian case while such folks abound here. I know a number of them and particularly a lad from my home town who suffered similar diseases. The villagers said it is because the lad refused to take care of the village deity which, they say, it is her destiny to take care of the local god and assume leadership of the shrine as the chief priest. That it was due to her refusal that she was afflicted by the skin disease. The lady later died out of frustration and social isolation.

This article will certainly educate a lotta people from developing countries towards a more general acceptance of people suffering from such condition.


@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities


This is a very sad story. Individuals who are affected by HED in rural areas suffer the most. The thought of HED patients in rural areas is the most saddening to me. The superstitious beliefs, the harsh weather, inadequate water supply and electricity and what not ; it’ll definitely kill HED patients before their time. May her soul Rest In Peace

And yeah I hope this article helps us treat HED patients as our fellow humans and give them the care and support they need in any way we can.
Thanks for stopping by.