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RE: The Alien Hand and Epilepsy: Two Misunderstood Conditions

in #stemng7 years ago

interesting read. I have heard about AHS before now but never read something as detailed. Typical of Nigerians/Africans, most conditions attributed to spiritual causes are actually explainable by science.

How I wished you gave exact statistics on the occurrence of AHS, would be interesting to see if such case has been reported in Nigeria. Does it have any treatment? Or the victims will have to deal with it for their entire lifetime?

QUite an intereting peice. thanks


I agree with your suggestions @gentleshaid. The statistics will say a lot and possible treatment too will let us know how much studies and research have been done in an aim to curtail this.

This is an interesting write up anyway. I enjoyed every bit of it :) @churchboy

You are both right. Those areas were left out in the post but you have remedied that.

How I wished you gave exact statistics on the occurrence of AHS, would be interesting to see if such case has been reported in Nigeria.

While it would be interesting to have such statistics, there are several reasons why we don't have it. Chief amongst these reasons is the fact that globally, AHS is so rare that there doesn't seem to be any prevalence studies done in the subject. Another reason, and this one is close to home is the fact that anyone who suffered the condition would find themselves in a church or some prayer house within the time it takes one to say Jack Robinson. Thirdly, one of the things identified as the cause is brain injury so let's face it, how many of us have suffered brain injury and lived to tell the tale. So the condition is globally rare but I suspect that it is rarer in Nigeria :)

Does it have any treatment?

No, it has no treatment. It is unfortunate that we have not yet learned how to get in there and tweak the brain to stop misbehaving. But the symptoms are manageable and do not last very long when they present.

Or the victims will have to deal with it for their entire lifetime?

The victims have to deal with it by regularly visiting the doctor when the condition manifests.

Thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment. It has helped me to cover some of the areas I failed to cover in the post. You are still amazing and I appreciate your support.

The victims have to deal with it by regularly visiting the doctor when the condition manifests.

SInce you said there is no treatment, what exactly are they going to do by visiting the doctor?

The doctor would help them manage the symptoms. For instance, the lady whose left hand was messing up her hair and blocking her view of the TV, the case was managed by placing her back on anticoagulants which would help manage her irregular heartbeats and suppress the symptoms of AHS she was having. It was hoped that this would be the result because she did not have symptoms when she was on the anticoagulants.

Thank you for taking the time to give me a follow-up.

interesting. thanks for taking time out to explain these issues.

You did more by being patient with me. Thanks.