Bitterleaf has numerous bioactive compounds (alkaloids predominantly) some of which could be deadly if taken in excess. It is not a plant to be taken just anyhow unless the extract has been reduced to barest minimum.
Thanks Vanessa
Bitterleaf has numerous bioactive compounds (alkaloids predominantly) some of which could be deadly if taken in excess. It is not a plant to be taken just anyhow unless the extract has been reduced to barest minimum.
Thanks Vanessa
But most people here don't know that. Bitterleaf and scent leaf are the answer to every stomach ailment.
But researchers have found that using scent leaf and bitter leaf in combination or single could stop the growth of breast, lung and prostate cancers.
I would appreciate if you could point me to such research and if it is actually reproducible.
It was a nigerian that said so chukwuma muanya have you heard of the name, he wrote an article around 2015, the researcher was published in PLOS ONE.