Let me begin by saying that I really like the neatness and organisation of your blog.
Okay, I only studied physics in my high school (SSS1 to 3), so that I could apply to study medicine in the University. It's not easy for me to fully comprehend your scientific blog post. Here, a video from Seeker on youtube about large hadron collider, LHC. At least, I've learnt from you today the existence of LHCs.
If someone is brave enough, ... to stick his head inside the accelerator, a proton moving at that rate is capable of killing you a couple of thousand times over.
I'm wondering what would make anyone stick his head in an accelerator in the first place.
People do loads of weird experiments :)
Just saying if anyone is tempted to, not to carry it out. Lol.
That's a good piece of advice 😀 . I'm not sure if this LHC is applied in the production of short 9D movies. I watched one a few days ago and saw what looks like that centre of your first picture . At a point I had to close my eyes 'cos it was quite scary 🙄 and seemed like I was really going to hit it.
Hehehe, some movies make us act as if the happenings are real. That's what great movie directors strive for, to make one feel the moment as if it's real.