Seasons affect the production of seeds since the development of fruits and seeds is dependent of development of flowers in all flowering plants. If seasons affect seed productions in plants, it is only logical for it will also affect the soil seed bank since the amount of seeds present in a soil at a particular period is a factor of the amount of seeds produced and dispersed by the vegetation, all other factors being constant.
It is amazing how you linked your arguments. It's a respected art and you bossed it. I definitely knew about seasons affecting the distribution and availabiluity of plants. It's nice getting a more detailed insight showing its relation to soil seed bank. I wish my Biology classes helped this much but I guess it's down to more researches.
Thanks @gentleshaid for this.....Now I'm more happy that I reached out to you for a guide - you're the right mentor, your post enough inspires....Keep winning akhee
Thanks for your awesome reviews of this work. We are all still learning while trying to do our best with the little knowledge that we have. I will be happy to do whatever I can to assist, although I am sure we will end up learning from each other.
Yes. We all learn everyday. Thanks for the kind gesture.