The Superman and Batman's Cape: Is it of Aerodynamic advantage to their flight?

in #stemng7 years ago (edited)

Batman and Superman. [Source: Wikimedia Commons] - CC BY 2.0

When you look at how the superheroes appear in their flying attires, you would always wish you could be given a moment to be in their shoes. The Batman and Superman's attire with an extra piece of cloth extending makes it more appealing to the eyes.

Looking at how Batman glides with his scallop-hem cape and how Superman can leap tall buildings with a single bound, I began to wonder if it could be the cape doing the magic for it seems to be a common part of the costume in quite a number of superheroes' attire. This led me to research the possibility of the cape having an aerodynamic advantage in their flight.

But guess what, I found out that the superheroes capes might actually be a death machine if they are to be considered as an aerodynamic tool.

Aerodynamically, Superman will actually have his cape to blame for a reduced flight speed while Batman, after enjoying the cape-assisted flight, would probably meet his death from hitting the ground with an impact comparable to being hit by a car at a high speed attributed to the contributions of his scallop-hem cape.

Hope I haven't left you confused about what Aerodynamics is or why each of these Superheroes whom we are craving to be like would witness such calamities after they had been successful with winning our hearts?

In simple terms, Aerodynamics simply has to do with the motion of an object against a gas, mostly air. So, this gives an idea of why this term, aerodynamics is important and why it interests us to see how it relate to our superheroes.

But, before we go deeper, it is necessary to get familiar with the aerodynamics of flight and skydiving which will aid the understanding of the reason why we concluded that the capes give our Superheroes their bossy look could be a suicide machine.

In our case here, we are to analyze the forces that lead to flight as well as those that act on a body falling from the sky, whether it is a skydiver using a Parachute or our favorite Batman gliding down in his trademark scallop-hem cape in the name of saving us from the bad guys!

In achieving flight, four forces are always in play; the thrust, Drag, Lift, and Weight. Our major player here is the lift whose net magnitude results in how fast the object is projected into the sky.

Going back to the basics, if you take an object and throw it up in the sky, sooner or later, we find it returning back to the ground owing to the popular force gravity which is courtesy of the earth pulling everything towards itself. So, basically, the idea of flight or descending has always being to negate gravity either positively or negatively.

What are the forces of Flight

So, going back to our forces, we have them in pairs, those acting horizontally - the thrust and drag, and those acting vertically - the lift and weight. As said, gravity is the brainer here so it is best to identify it first and see how others play along with it.

Forces of Flight. [Source: Wikimedia Commons] - Public Domain
Weight is the component of gravity gotten from the product of the mass of the object and force of gravity. So, for a body to achieve flight, it has to overcome the weight which is a factor of its mass as gravity is considered constant throughout the surface of the earth (a little difference occurs due to earth's imperfect spherical shape).

The lift is the opposite force to weight which is usually dependent on the net magnitude of the horizontal forces, drag, and thrust. So, we need to reach a magnitude of lift greater than that of the weight to achieve upward movement.

Thrust and drag are more aerodynamically inclined as they are the ones that have to do with the movement of the object in the air. Drag or air resistance is the force that prevents the body from moving in its desired direction. It is depending on the surface area of the object in contact with air and the density of the air in that region. So, the thrust is the work input by the body in other overcome the drag and surpass it to achieve the forward movement.

So, in summary, thrust aims to overcome drag (or air resistance) hence creating a net force the create a forward movement. This net force will be so great that it gives the body the needed vertical lift to overcome the weight and Viola! we are up, flying!.

We, however, need to be clear that Superman might achieve his flight in a different way is being Superhero, but scientifically, he must have created a thrust greater than the drag and hence, a lift that supersedes his weight.

So, how does the cape become Superman's enemy?

Unlike the wingsuit which adds to the aerodynamic lift (or air resistance) of a skydiver, the Superman's cape rather adds more drag to his flight.

Take a flag flapping from being his by the air as an instance, a drag force is generated as the air molecules hit it. The cape which is left flapping as Superman flies does the same, reducing his lift and adding to his weight.

The drag produced on a body moving against a fluid is calculated using:

D = (𝜌CdV2A)/2

Let's say Superman's cape is 50cm by 180cm and he was moving at a velocity, V say 25m/s with the air density, 𝜌 being 1.225kg/m3 and coefficient of drag on the cape, Cd taken as 1.1, the drag generated by this cape would be:

D = (1.225 x 1.1 x 252 x 0.5 x 1.8)/2

D = 379N (about 38kg)

This value, 38kg is already more than half of Superman's weight which definitely would give the gravity more hand. So, if Superman wasn't fictitious, he probably would have to do away with this cape so as to avoid a reduced flight.

Is Is There Any Way Out?3>

Wingsuits. [Source: Wikimedia Commons] - Public Domain
Well, for a better flight, it would be best if the Superman's cape is made to look like the wing-suit usually adopted by skydivers.

Instead of allowing the cape float in the sky, flapping, he could add to his lift by tieing the rear edge of the cape to his feet and restrain the middle from bulging out probably by fixing it to his waist.

This way, we would achieve something close to the wing-suit, hence, adding to his lift even though it wouldn't contribute as much lift as airplane wings do but it at least support flight rather than the suicide antics of the floating cape giving our Superman his hero looks!

Let's move on to talk about Batman's Predicament.

How is Batman affected by his cape considering its aerodynamic effect?

This is where it gets interesting considering that our man decides to answer gravity's call - descending with the help of his bat-like scallop-hem cape.

Here, we are more concerned about how the big effect of gravity is countered by a piece of clothing aiming to add to the air resistance offered against his safe landing (or simply gliding down the sky).

What are our major forces here? How do they work relatively? What does the cape contribute to these?

Free Fall [Source: Wikimedia Commons] - Public Domain
The physics behind a falling object is majorly determined by the force of gravity gladly pulling it along with its mass.

So, when a body jumps down a cliff or high buildings like Batman does, he is expected to move at a velocity comparable to that of a racing car at its highest speed.

The major force that will hinder the sole control of the motion by gravity will be the air resistance (or drag) trying to prevent the weight from falling through it.

In the case of Batman, this air resistance ought to be increased by the additional resistance offered by his cape whose surface area traps in more air molecules and thus offers an opposition to the motion solely anchored by gravity. But as we have mentioned, it still doesn't offer the countering force that would enhance a safe landing scientifically.

Now, we will need to discuss some terms which will make us understand why Batman cape doesn't offer enough protection for Batman.

At the start of the descent of a body from a height, the body moves faster as it travels downward, this is because the gravity continues to pull the body towards the surface of the earth. The motion of this body is described by Newton's second law of motion for which:

F = ma


a = F/m

In the equation above, a is the acceleration of the body and m is the mass of the body while the force, F is the net force from the difference in the weight of the body and the Drag (air resistance) offered by the atmospheric air. Thus, the acceleration can be expressed as:

a = (W - D)/m

The drag offered in form of air resistance has a direct relationship with the square of the descent velocity, V of the body i. e. D ~ V2. So, as the velocity increases, the drag is increased in squares of the velocity and hence, it wouldn't be long before this air resistance equals the body weight.

At that point where the drag equals the weight descent velocity, acceleration becomes zero, i.e.

a = (W - D)/m <=> a = 0/m = 0.

The body from here then moves with a constant velocity as described by Newton's first law of motion which says that a body continues in a uniform motion unless it is compelled by a force which tends to change the motion. This uniform velocity is termed the Terminal velocity

On reaching this terminal velocity, the motion is now independent of the weight nor the air resistance but moves solely at this high velocity till it reaches the ground, maybe to crash.

So, in simpler words, a body descending first owes its speed of descent to the force of gravity until a point is reached where the opposing force offered by the aerodynamic environment equals the weight and the acceleration becomes zero. Then, the remaining part of the journey is owed to the terminal velocity attained when this equilibrium of force is reached.

Now, let's do some validation.

If Batman, weighing about 100kg with his attire and weapons included, descends a skyscraper of height 150m. Taking as 1.1 and air density as 1.225kg/m3, we can estimate the terminal velocity at which the batman will land if his cape has a surface area of 5m2. We have that:

D = (𝜌CdV2A)/2

Vt = √(2D)/𝜌CdA

Considering the fact that the cape will offer an additional lift to Batman's flight, he'll glide to a height above the 150m starting height away from the skyscraper. When he descends, this cape also offers an additional air resistance as he falls, and thus, we could say that he'll reach terminal velocity at a point say 120m to the ground. This terminal velocity exists when D = W (Drag is equal body weight), so:

Vt = √(2W)/𝜌CdA

Vt = √(2 x 100 x 10)/1.225 x 1.1 x 5

Vt = 17m/s

At 17m/s, Batman ideally shouldn't be controlled by his cape but rather fall to the ground hitting it at that massive speed. But then, being fictitious, he is still able to glide and overturn himself, landing in grand style.

parachute. [Source: Wikimedia Commons] - Public Domain
So, again, we can see why the cape is nothing but an additional piece of clothing to Batman's costume.

We would need a larger cloth, shaped like a Parachute which will offer a more significant drag that reduces the terminal velocity to the barest minimum that would allow a safe landing.

The Batman's cape is thus a suicide machine for it doesn't prevent the batman from reaching a terminal velocity that will offer safe land. So, scientifically, to avert this and reach a safer terminal velocity, we need a bigger cape, shaped and worn in a way that it offers something similar to the design of a Parachute or the wingsuit often used by the skydivers.

So, what have we learned?

The aerodynamics of flight is dependent on four forces, namely the thrust, drag, lift and weight (force due to gravity). For a flight to be achieved, we need to generate a thrust larger than the drag offered by the aerodynamic environment thus leaving us with a lift force that is greater than the weight of the body.

The main target of flight is to negate the effect of weight. With Superman's cape allowed to float in the air, an additional drag is generated by it as it is hit by the air causing more drag force to be added hence helping weight get a more upper hand.

Superman if not "super", needs a cape which stays restricted from flapping and attached in a way that it offers to lift as in wingsuits rather than contributing more drag to the system.

The aerodynamics of a falling body with respect to the air resistance needs an object whose surface area contributes a large drag that would be greater than the force of gravity pulling the body to the surface of the earth.

So, the descent velocity needs to be overhauled by this "bullish" drag force contributed by the object. In our case, we would favor a bigger and parachute designed cape for the real-life Batman so as to avoid reaching an outrageous Terminal Velocity to would see him hit the ground like a crashing aircraft.

Wrap Up

Superheroes defy the laws of physics and only survive because they are fictitious. If I were to fly like Superman does, I will first need to do away with his floating cape before I think about finding means of generating the needed thrust to propel me into the sky. The cape only generates additional drag which is detrimental to the aim of achieving flight.

Equally, Batman in his trademark scallop-hem cape would hit the ground like a crashing plane if he was human like the skydivers. He would need the help of a bigger piece of cloth as seen in parachutes.

The invention of Parachute for skydivers evolved over the years from the wooden frame parachute invented by Louis-Sébastien Lenormand to the modern ones which are seeing use in many areas other than safe landing which was the originating reason for its invention.

saving commercial passengers from a crash incident by means of individual parachutes and probably a case of detachable aircraft that can be safely landed by a parachute. Equally, talks about safe landing space shuttles by means of parachutes are in progress.As discussed in a post by @greenrun, we now seek for better ways of

So far we can achieve a reduced terminal velocity, landing with parachute could see more and more applications in coming years.

Thanks for reading till the end.


  • Johnson D. Anderson and Sci=ott Eberhardt, 2000 - "Understanding Flight: An Intro. to Aerodynamics". McGraw Hill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Johnson D. Anderson, 1991 - "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics". McGraw Hill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
  • T. Tolay, 1975 - "Introduction to Aerodynamics of Flight". [NASA SP-367]
  • Are Superhero Capes Aerodynamic? by Daniel Kolitz - Gizmodo | GizAsks
  • "Physics Shows Batman's Cape Is Suicide Machine" - Wired
  • "Free Fall and Air Resistance" - PhysicsClassroom

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Once saw an animated movie " The Incredibles " were he (Mr Incedible) requested a woman to help repair his suit and if probabily she could add additional feature like cape to it, and then then woman start to list some of dead heroes who died as a result of their cape. This article really brought me back to that scene.
I guess those who create these fictional heroes fail to put this into consideration.
Interesting article here bro

Oh, that's a nice addition to this work.. I haven't seen the movie.... Good to hear that though... Thanks for stopping by mate!

Haha, this absolutely brilliant. I have always loved articles that try to analyze what super heroes do. I wonder what your next one would be.

What if superman punched you?😁😁

Hehehe. Someone needs to clear the air.. Some kids still think those stuffs are possible & might wanna try it out.. So, hopefully they find this first..

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Thanks for the continuous support...

An awesome lesson here on how objects moves through air. A brilliant one! Thanks for the educative piece @mrbreeziewrites

Thanks for the warm words... I appreciate your coming here. Glad I could help you learn something...

Superheroes defy the laws of physics and only survive because they are fictitious.

I don't think Iron Man defies the laws of physics. That's one superhero I like. That doesn't make the iron man real but it can actually be real cos the structure obeys the laws of physics relating to flights.

Nice Article. You inspire me.

Well, the iron remains fictitious even though a have seen many scientist inventing jet-powered flight suit that enabled flight. His speed of flight and many other phenomenon are exaggerated.

Thanks for stopping by!

Hehe one of the famous questions in life finally answered! 😁

Thank you!


Glad being the one to clear the air... Nice seeing you around mate!


The science of flight is one amazing subject. Even with the skydiving suit, the way the body is positioned is also a determinant of how fast the body will fall that is due to the way air is allowed to flow around the body.

I wouldn't be dropping equations but i'm sure you know what i mean. I guess i would be summoning superman to read this.

Lol, the texts are enough, no extra eqn needed... And as you said, streamlining the body to be in a compact shape increases escape velocity while spreading out helps in reducing the speed.....

Hoping to see him here & hopefully he wouldn't scold me for leaking his secrets...

Nice seeing you around!

Awesome analysis mate. Many of those comic movies teaches us that we can break the laws of physics and we (kids anyway) also fool around trying to replicate what we've seen.

Lol. They should start adding "don't try this at home"... I don't expect someone to go jump from a cliff with a cape tho, unless he has contract with the Nigerian witches 😂

Thanks for stopping by, it's nice seeing you around!

Amazing work mate. But fictional characters will always do the unimaginable. Nice to see you give us reasons as to why this isn’t possible in reality.

Yeah.. I think that's why they added "super" to their names... It's better we clear the air so that some naive kids wouldn't keep dreaming they could fly with a cape attached to their body...

Nice seeing you around mate, and thanks for kind words...

Superheroes defy the laws of physics and only survive because they are fictitious. If I were to fly like the Superman does, I will first need to do away with his floating cape before I think about finding means of generating the needed thrust to propel me into the sky.

That was a very nice wrap up. I've learned a lot about aerodynamics. Thanks for sharing this, we should spread this article to children with funny imagination, that think that once daddy gets them a Superman attire, that day they'll fly (Lol).

Let them fly biko....

Thanks for the warm words, I'm glad I could help you learn something..... It's nice seeing you around.

and i am a fan of fictional movies oo. I love the way you counteracted this imaginary pictures of super heroes in my head with easy and understandable equations. Great job man and keep flying high here at stem without using cape (lol).

LOL, No Cape Pls!

Glad I could help you learn something...Thanks for the nice words, it's nice seeing you around!

Hi @mrbreeziewrites!

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So the only cape that remains is possibly Dr Strange's, which can generate its own thrust and carry the superhero! :D

In the case of Superman, the cape is clearly decorative. But in the case of Batman, I don't know. Some movies portray the cape in ways that could conceivably make the fall lighter, depending on which material it was made of. I'm imagining myself opening an umbrella and holding it so that it's behind me, and then running as fast as I can. I think it's gonna slow me down. If Batman has some kind of fabric that is light, some kind of skeleton that mimics the bat's bones that hold its wings open, I don't see why it couldn't potentially be of service.

If Batman has some kind of fabric that is light, some kind of skeleton that mimics the bat's bones that hold its wings open, I don't see why it couldn't potentially be of service.

As I mentioned, having the cape floating & freely designed, it doesn't really make a difference as reduction of terminal velocity is concerned... So, if he could have the skeleton, it could do some parachute's work....

Thanks for your insightful comments, you're appreciated!

Brilliant post. Always nice reading your posts. Today is no exception. Facts over fiction

Thanks brother! I appreciate your time here

very challenging. exceptional.

Now, this is what i call sheer beauty. Reading the post was like watching a continuation of the batman and superman movies, but this time, they both failed. 😂

Amazing work man!

Lol. You're sarcastic. Thanks for coming around and for the nice words!

People have said what I want to say already.... Lemme just thank @mrbreeziewrites for giving us this.

Lol, thanks for coming around bro

Just by reading the title of this post, my thought goes to the IG nobels ...

Thanks for coming around. Yeah, there's a IG Nobel thingy here... I'm just hearing about it though.. Checked it out it's cool and sarcastic.

Nice seeing you around here.

superman and batman are just full of fictions just like the wonder woman.
I dont fancy such movie anyway

Lol. What's why the are "super". They are fictitious characters.. Exaggerated 👌

That's why they are superheroes..They are to entertain us

I concur

From Vibranium to this, interesting. The way you've explained the supposedly complicated physics in such simple and clear manner is both impressive and worthy of imitation. I'm never disappointed after reading your articles.

Keep up the good work. Bravo.

This is quite soothing to hear from a veteran. I'm glad I could help you learn something.. I appreciate your coming here... Thanks for the comments 💪

You are a really good writer.

This is how physics should be taught in our schools

Keep up the good work bro @mrbreeziewrites

It's nice hearing that, I'm motivated to do more. Thanks for the warm comments....

This is an interesting read. Its quite informative and advisory too. I mean kids often consider themselves superheroes only with the cape on.

Thanks for this piece.