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RE: Taking a Bath during a Storm is Dangerous- Myth or Reality?

in #stemng7 years ago

This is especially useful in a country like Nigeria where only about 5 in 100 houses has a functional lightning arrestor, surge suppressor, and a good electrical earthing system.

Very sad statistics for my country. Anyway, is there any need to still take precuation in a house with a functional lightning arrestor?

Also, are there cars that come with this small technology?

I really enjoyed and learned from the post. Nice work @greenrun


Cars do not come with lightning protection. The only help you'd get is if the car is all metal (open roof vehicles and convertibles lack this feature) then the body can form a Faraday cage and offer protection as the body conducts the electricity. You can only remember not to touch anything metallic at that moment by placing your hand on your lap.

Wow! Thanks a lot @greenrun