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RE: Why can't humans survive on grasses?

in #stemng7 years ago

Hey there Bud!!!
Your account of the pastor and the congregation is perfectly accurate :)
Brilliant post as always..... Our ancestor's diet was actually a much more well-balanced diet than we actually observe today..


Are you really sure about our ancestor's diet been more well-balanced than what we have? On what basis are you saying this? Thanks for coming around. It's like I will be mentioning you in my posts henceforth :)

I am 100% sure ... Let us look at some examples to visualize my point...
So around the world, we do still have human beings that practice what we would consider primitive lifestyles.... be it South America, South Africa, Papua New Guinea or Australia ... when I say balanced ... I mean fruits, nuts, berries different tubers and melons which was is all supplemented by hunting and fishing for protein.
Nowadays we do really maintain that balance or are we all the products or commercialism ?

Ok now, I understand what you mean. Most of the time, plant-based diets need some supplements such as essential fatty acids which are quite low in plants and cannot be synthesized by the body. Nowadays, our diets are skewed and a lot of human feed on processed foods which cannot be compared with naturally fresh foods.