
Hello everyone,
It’s been a while… I should be getting back on drawing and blogging soon. Pepper said hi, by the way. She is wondering what she should do because my daughter is thinking of getting a parakeet😆
Anyways, it has been almost two months since I started STEPN. The collection of the original funds I invested is still zero. I've been lazy about drawing and blogging, but I am walking steadily every day.
After purchasing three STEPN NFT sneakers, I invested more and minted three sneakers. when I reached six sneakers, I thought I would continue minting by walking and earring to nine sneakers, but I got very impatient.
So I decided to sell three of my sneakers and with the reward from walking and the profit from selling the sneakers, I minted more sneakers. I sold them again and minted again.
On the 11th mint, I got an Uncommon Walker, so I switched my main sneaker to the Uncommon Walker and sold my old main sneaker.
Then, on the 14th mint, I got another Uncommon Walker. I sold it and bought four Common sneakers of mint 0, and level 0 and bought some GMT with the rest.
My original plan was to own nine sneakers by the beginning of May and gift one to my oldest daughter for her birthday in mid-May, gift up to three sneakers each to my husband and my oldest daughter, and collect my original funds I invested towards the end of summer.
Although, thanks to minting, I had already given three sneakers to my oldest daughter and I have nine sneakers as of today.
Now, I have a mission to walk, earn and mint three sneakers for my husband but he said he would invest 2 minting fee so it'll be easily accomplished. I should be able to collect my investment during May.
Well, starting tomorrow I will be walking with 10 energy/50 minutes a day. Having an Uncommon sneaker gives you one extra energy.
According to the STEPN guide, I will be earring about 60GST with my current level 10, Uncommon Walker. The price of GST is about USD$5.40 right now. I've heard that STEPN official is aiming for GST to be around USD$2? We'll see...
I am excited about GMT use cases and the Epic sneakers release. I hope it lasts for a long time. I love walking and earning.

当初の予定、、、と言ってもころころ変わっているので、少し前までの予定ですが、笑 5月の初め辺りに9足持ち、5月半ばの長女ちゃんの誕生日に1足プレゼントして、夏が終わる頃までには、原資回収をしながら長女ちゃんと旦那様を3足持ちにしてあげる予定だったのですが、アンコモンが出たおかげで今日をもちまして9足持ちになることが出来ました。長女ちゃんにも3足プレゼント済みです。後は旦那様にと思っていたら、私の活躍ぶり(笑)を見ていた旦那様がミント代2回分を投資してくれると言い出し、5月中には原資回収、旦那様にも3足プレゼント出来そうです。
STEPN Guideによるとアンコモンウォーカー、今のレベル10で60GSTくらいの報酬になりそうです。GST、、、運営さんは2ドルくらいに落ち着かせたいような話を聞きましたが、どうなるのでしょうね。

Wow... you are just awesome in this, with uncommon sneakers, minting so much and everything! I am a complete newbie compared to you :) But, great to know that I have someone here on HIVE who is an expert if I have any questions.
I was very lucky to get those uncommon smeakers. Minting is too fun. I don't know how to stop😆
I will mint my first sneaker in approximately 50 minutes. How long time does it take? Is it a question of hours, or does it happen at once? I guess I will soon find out...
You have probably minted your first sneaker by now. Congratulations!
Yep, that is true... was a nice experience, even though I was a little bit disappointed by the outcome... but I'll try again tomorrow, hopefully I will get a trainer sneaker from minting then (and not a runner)!
Even in English, I kind of don't understand this system. haha. These NFT earning things are kind of complex, aren't they? But it's great that you are earning with it. I love the idea of rewarding people to move. According to my iPhone, I get about 30k steps per day, but I'm pretty sure it is counting all my bicycle riding as steps. Anyway, I hope it keeps working for you!
You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@dbooster just slapped you with , @djynn.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
I don't think I explained very well😆 It's kind of like having Splinterlands cards. STEPN is built on Solana blockchain. You use these NFT sneakers to play move-and-earn game on the app. Each NFT sneaker comes in different grade, higher the grade more earning, more sneakers you have longer you can play, higher the level more earning as well.
Minting is like breeding the sneaker. You take 2 of your sneakers and create a brand new sneaker.
It's pretty impressive to get the person like me motivated to move😆