For the human interface with Stepper Motors we have designed two solutions. The StepperControlV3 and the StepperUNO.
Both of them have buttons and potentiometer for physical control of the motor. They also embed an Arduino microcontroller for the pre-user to configure each button's behaviour.
This is the smallest option. It operates a single motor.
Two versions are available. One for the A4988 driver the other with a Generic terminal screw to connect to any driver.
The microcontroller is an Attiny84 which is programmable with the usual Arduino IDE.
This a very handy board to have around if you come to test or manually operate steppers.
This is a more complete solution. The stepperUNO has 2 motor outputs available with both A4988 and Generic driver.
The microcontroller is the common Atmega328 found on the Arduino UNO. Easy to program directly via the USB port. It also embed one attiny85 controller for each motor to allow smoother control of the motor.
Human interface is using a mass produced LCD-keypad shield. It features six push button and a 16x2 LCD screen There is also a potentiometer for speed control for example.
This is an excellent solution for controlling 1 or 2 axis systems with human interface and automation.