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I wrote this a few hours ago on Facebook. Everyone needs a strong stone to step on to succeed that's why they use me to reach success I'm the rock.
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I think it's a waste of time to write about the facts and truths of someone who feeds on negative and good energy because no one can help them except themselves, therefore whatever they used me for I hope they succeed in what they wanted to achieve at least using me in the process have some worth to it. If not all this carnage they have done for nothing, a waste of time and energy.
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They all know the support I've given them in the past has paid off, which is why they can't forget me since both still stalking, talking, and I'm always on their minds, wondering what went wrong that he left. They both know the answer though.
2pac once said that he doesn't want his adversaries to go hungry, but they shouldn't eat at his table. You two have always been free; I've never controlled or exploited you; even when I'm hungry, I'd rather go hungry than take money from a woman because, after all, nothing is free in this world, said my father.
The End Of You Both Is The Beginning Of My Growth