Please watch these video by The Doctor Of Common Sense. Please watch the videos and read by Shoebat on Bannon.
There's no two party system. Both parties are the same coin. Policy Doesn't Change. All by Design, World's A Stage.
#DrainTheSwamp? #TermLimits? RICO Statute? RINOS, Liberals, other Globalists, Industrialists such as Peter Thiel, and others for Agenda 2030=Cancer & Satanists SCUM for #NWOAgenda
Steve Bannon Goes Off On Charlie Rose About He And Trump Being Racist
60 Minutes of Propaganda
Agree with Bannon there on the Propaganda and so-called Diversity.
He displayed common sense there. There's always Racism no matter what.
Those who talk Racism are the ones racist and hypocritical SOB's just like the whacked out Liberals Politicians, Hollywood, etc. They are all full of themselves and are selfish, all talk, no action.
If they really cared, they wouldn't need all of that power and money, and would never be involved with any form of evil, political/nationalist/socialist organizations. You would see by their words and actions, prove it so, but of course people don't change unless only through will power and through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Otherwise, they don't change, unless they really wanted to.
For course, their only interest is personal gain and worship Satan for power and wealth.
It's too bad that Bannon supports and promotes Homosexuality and Nazism. Don't just read the title, be ignorant, there's more than meets the eye. To find out more, please look into it for yourself. Not joking.
You are whom you associate with. History repeats.
"Stephan Bannon Is Absolutely Evil And He Is Using His Position To Promote Homosexuality And Nazism"
Please read my latest post on the Military Industrial Complex heating up towards WWIII.
Paul Ryan has a primary opponent. His name is Paul Nehlen. Support Paul Nehlen against Paul Ryan in the Republican primary is his district.
I am very well aware of Paul Nehlen in the same 1st district of RINO Ryan. Wish I could for Nehlen, but am in the 4th district, can't stand Gwen Moore. Will support Nehlen too, he's very good and doesn't take s***. Thank you for sharing!