Hooray, I already occupy the first place for the third time in terms of the number of comments. This week, the gap between me and @ taskmaster4450b in the number of characters, only some 20k. It was a good week for me.
Ура, я уже 3 й раз занимаю первое место по количеству комментариев. На этой недели разрыв между мной и @taskmaster4450б в количестве символов, всего каких то 20к. Это была удачная неделя для меня
I think i need some tips because I wanna surpass those statistics.@cradium how do you do it
@samiwhyte, by writing comments :)
Thanks boss but its not easy o, you have to look out for posts, read them first before dropping relevant comments.
@grrenrun I will apply your advice atleast with time i will get use to it.
@samiwhyte, You are most welcome. You just gave me another name :)
As usual, keep pad issues
It's simple, find people that are nice to comment on, for example @abh12345:) Subscribe to them, and then just check the tape) so you do not miss the new articles.
Ok man, thats great
I will start applying your tip