Looks like I've been doing a pretty decent job this week too... And it's definitely awesome to see the stewards improvements! :)
I have one question though...
- Why Am I Always Mentioned Last? ;)
Like I wrote in my latest article:
This delegation didn't only mean that I got more power or that I could reward authors with higher valued votes or reward more authors overall... This delegation also meant that @fulltimegeek believed in me. Just like others had done in the past. So it gave me an incredible boost of motivation and encouragement.
Thank you for the amazing job #stewardsofgondor!
Sorry man, i'll get you to the front of the list next week!
Motivation and encouragement are definitely products of the delegation, and sometimes all a person is lacking.
nice one dude!
Haha, sounds good! :D
Keep up the great work Asher, I love these reports!