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RE: Steemit Has Humbled Me

in #stewardsofgondor7 years ago

You're very welcome. I did forget one important factor. Power down used to take 12 months. Then it was changed to 3 months. That had an impact on price and value perception of STEEM.

And lastly, initially STEEM had an annual built in inflation of 100%. This eventually was changed dramatically to 10%. I believe this was one of the big moves that helped improve the value of both Stemit and STEEM. It was touch and go at first as to how people would receive it, given a lot of people were believed to have gotten involved in the platform because of it's high inflation rate - which was shared out according to amounts one already had.

Today's heealthy state of Steemit and STEEM tells me these were all the correct decision.

Okay, I'll stop annoying you now :)