The Greatest Gift

in #stillness8 years ago

Right now, the greatest gift some can give to humanity is to do all that they can to "hold the vibration."

We received the message that it is time to wake up, we have struggled to become aware of our own egos, and then against falling asleep throughout our days. Now it is just a matter of sticking to what we know we have to do. It does get easier.

I still have reminders here and there -- physical reminders -- for example a certain bracelet that reminds me to come back to the place, return home, a buddha statue here or there, an ohm sign on a wall, these types of small reminders can help a lot.

Some days, if I am not feeling well for example, I find myself focusing lots on the body, not resisting what is; just going with what is. I feel not so well and that is that. What does it feel like. No need to comment and talk to myself about it.

Other days, as I deepen my practice, the experience feels magical, as I am very connected to Source and the peace that supasses all understanding imbues me.

It's important that we experience stillness in all of these states. It's important for everyone, and it is something we must do now.