
Lol nope again.

Show me where my bot has sent to that account even once. I don't use Binance.

Lol. Sounds good. We will both get a laugh. Maybe can get you for frivolous reporting and libel.

I use deepcrypto8 all the time (or at least I used to, and will again soon),that doesn’t mean anything. The memo is what’s important! The memo is the link to the account? Not sure if this helps smidge.

Please tell me you gave them your contact information so my lawyer can be in touch.

They got my info, they are just all talk!

Where my delegator sends his money has nothing to do with me nor is it my concern.

Just for a little education, deepcrypto8 is Binance's hot wallet. It is one of the largest exchanges in the world. The fact the fake Steemit Inc account on facebook used deepcrypto8 means nothing more than he wanted people to send funds to his account (specified by the memo field) on Binance.

As usual, you are ignorant and just sound like an idiot because you have no clue what you are talking about.

It is entertaining though and hopefully, one day will be evidence in a case for libel and slander.

You are ignorant, but it's ok man, that's your thing.
If you had half a clue, you could figure it out. It's fairly common knowledge outside of your conspiracy nonsense group. But don't let facts stop you, you guys don't work off facts.

Show proof, because just making shit up isn't proof.

You have been rewarded with some SHIT! Take a trip to the bathroom to stake and manage your worthless tokens.

(lol), smidge you are tooooo funny.