Thanks a lot for your great info my friend @ulqu3...
I´m sure that if many companies or new investors are betting, in just 5 years their money will be back for a double..
I´m sure STO will be at the top in the next two years, it has better regulations...
For sure crypto community is working well, but the community should embrace the freedom maybe it could be difficult but not impossible to preserve the difference about STO, UT and many more...
Many of those things are controlled by very selfish people, including China and the governments ...
My suggest....::: Learning about your own mistakes, make an invest and continiuos learning, and change the process after the misteke...
It is not working if you guess what will happen, you should be immerse in the game if not, nothing will happen... This is the process of a good investor...
Thanks a lot @crypto.piotr for the link, I really appreciate your time sending me this incredible info...