⚡️[STO] BOLTON COIN - Bolton first credit limited ⚡️

in #sto6 years ago (edited)


We can say that now we are experiencing a boom in ICO projects. If before 2017 they could be counted on the fingers, now almost dozens of projects a day offer us their vision of a problem and are ready to offer us a solution. On the one hand, this is very good, because we see how the blockchain technology is trying to be implemented in certain areas, while solving a number of problems, that is, to make our world even better.


Alas, because of such an uncontrolled flow of projects, a lot of environmentally unfriendly projects began to appear, that is, those who are not aimed at doing something good, but on the contrary "to put us a pig". And as you can see such incidents has become a huge set of people who used to enjoy investing a certain amount of money, began to look cautiously around and be afraid to invest anywhere their money, so as not to lose them as a result. After all, if everyone wants to engage in investments, the real ones that are aimed to benefit not only the environment, but also the people who invested in it.


Therefore, now more and more seriously begin to take into account such projects, which in addition to tokens can give the investor additional opportunities, thanks to which he will feel better and protected. This is the project we will discuss today.

About the project

BOLTON is not just another decentralized project, IT is something more. This project has not only solid ground underfoot, in the form of many years of experience in liquid investment areas, but also additional benefits for all those investors who have been looking for something more than a regular ICO project.


BOLTON is a company that has a proven track record in its work with the real estate market, commodities (such as gold, diamonds, their production), but also a number of other areas. Relatively recently, BOLTON opened one of the largest mining farms in the world, thus taking one of the largest positions in the arena of digital currencies.


Despite the full scale, the main goal of the project is actually very simple. The founders of BOLTON seek only to give all investors an equal opportunity to earn profit from the tokens they have purchased. Having the same tokens from BOLTON will allow you to easily and quickly receive weekly, monthly and annual income from real estate transactions, from trading commodities or from a mining farm. All this will be available in an easy and convenient way that does not even require you any additional technical knowledge or education.


Initially, it may seem that BOLTON is somewhat similar to the projects I have already described, but do not rush to make such quick conclusions, since you do not know the most important thing:

  • first, the company that created BOLTON received an "A" rating from the well-known audit company Bloomberg;
  • secondly, due to the fact that your investments will be invested in real business areas that have been working effectively for years and bring profit, will allow you to avoid any losses regardless of what bitcoin rate will be in the future;
  • thirdly, BOLTON employees are highly qualified specialists in their field, so all THEIR experience will work for you and your success, correctly distributing your investment funds in the most profitable transactions with real estate and other goods available to BOLTON;
  • fourthly, due to the fact that BOLTON has a huge advantage in the mining industry, as well as powered by ultra-inexpensive electricity, allows the company to receive a decent income from their actions;
  • and fifthly, due to a well-developed system of tokenization, you have a unique opportunity to receive your profit as a reward almost every day. Yes it is not super big percent, nevertheless they are stable and are not subject to sharp jumps up or down.


Therefore, users who have invested their funds in BOLTON will receive their guaranteed income in any scenario of cryptocurrency prices and finally have access to those markets to which the doors were previously opened only for institutional investors.

The details of the STO

As for the token, its presence intends only to complement the entire working concept, which has already worked successfully without blockchain. But its presence also intends to play a major role, making all transactions transparent, secure and accessible to absolutely everyone who wants to invest in BOLTON. The token itself will be developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain (ERC20) and called – BFCL. In total, more than one billion coins will be issued, of which only 663 million will be available for sale. At the moment, the last stage of sales continues, where you have the opportunity to purchase BFCL tokens with a 5% discount.

After the sale of coins comes to an end, all invested funds will be distributed into three parts, each of which will be designed to Finance the three main areas of the BOLTON project: real estate, commodity trading and cryptocurrency mining.

The distribution of tokens is as follows:



This is one of the few projects that really has a powerful and well-coordinated working concept, on the basis of which you can draw conclusions and decide whether you are interested in the project or not. But I think here and so everything is obvious, not even considering the special mark from Bloomberg. After all, in just a few weeks the project managed to collect a record number of investments in the amount of 67 million us dollars. Personally, I would love to get to know the project even closer, because its concept is interesting to me and I would like to have at my disposal such a powerful tool for work as BOLTON.


So if you've been looking for something worthwhile, I think you've come to the right place. But let's not forget about the risks and additional security for the fact that all your actions were deliberate and firm decision. To do this, I recommend you personally take a look at the technical documentation BOLTON, to study as they say all along and across. At the same time, as always, you will find at the end of my review many additional links leading to the official resources of the project and its telegram chat, where you can safely ask all your questions.


Official Bolton Coin project resources:

GITHUB: https://bfclcoin.com https://t.me/BFCLCoinOfficial https://bfclcoin.com/pdf/bfclcoin_en.pdf https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5083418 https://www.facebook.com/BFCLcoin https://twitter.com/BfclCoin https://medium.com/@bfclcoin https://reddit.com/r/BFCLCoin https://www.linkedin.com/company/bfcl-coin/ https://www.instagram.com/bfclcoin/ https://discordapp.com/invite/Xt6TyPy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvuB4ZrgOp5BgEVCpB1JqWg https://github.com/BFCLCoin#

MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x90051516FC3451D7bF1b5e7D0A4486757FC81C32
UNIQUENESS 100%: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1238493 https://text.ru/antiplagiat/5c49ee004eedd


Interesting idea! I am sure it will be implemented!

The idea and concept of the project is really interesting! I think the project will achieve all its goals, since most of the necessary funds have already been collected

Thanks for the review! An interesting project, you will need to study it in more detail!

You're welcome! You can use the links to the official resources. There you will find all the information you need!

I need to study this more with a better Internet connection. For now just 1 question... why is the mark of Bloomberg positive?

Posted using Partiko Android

There is practically no information about it in the white paper. If you are really interested you can ask this question in telegram chat. Link in the description to the article.

Is it a must to do ICO when launching a Cryptocurrency

It's not ICO, it's STO. Each of these methods is aimed at raising funds for the development of the project. Without money to develop the project in the current environment is impossible.

Very interesting review! Definitely need to invest in their project!

I agree with you! Investments in this project look quite attractive!

The project looks quite promising. He was interested in me, I will understand more.