One of the biggest forms of misunderstanding around Bitcoin is the idea that investing with this digital currency will generate wealth overnight. Similar to other types of investments, Bitcoin is actually a form of long-term investment. Getting profits and losses in a short time with Bitcoin is no longer done. Investors now understand that Bitcoin will survive and the price will likely continue to increase.
From the point of view of an ordinary investor, every decision made must yield the shortest amount of time possible. The pressure to produce results in the short term continues to accumulate, so that thinking about long-term investment is no longer part of daily activities. Finding a volatile market is not difficult at all, and Bitcoin has been one of the winners in that aspect over the past few years.
Yes, there is nothing that I'm aware of in the U.S. economy that has surpassed the truly historical growth of Bitcoin. Of course the price of gold continues to climb, but it has not compared with a Bitcoin investment made over a 5 or 10 year timeframe.