Marcus Aurelius, on Control - SHW #49

in #stoic6 years ago

The more we value things outside of our control, the less control we have..png

The more we value things outside of our control, the less control we have.

This quote has been taken from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations and it relates to the idea of acceptance and more specifically not getting caught up in things we cannot control. This is essential for living a healthy, long and happy life because as you reflect on control, you begin to realise that there really isn’t much that we can control as an individual. No matter who you are, what your stance in society is there will always be things that you cannot control – and we can only try to alter our perception on those uncontrollable things. Therefore, to find contentment in life it comes with a choice, to accept all that comes your way but to stand for what you believe to be right regardless. This means that it is important to find positives always within everything you can encounter, and everything strictly positive or negative provides a learning experience once reflected upon – and this, in my opinion, can only ever be a positive thing.

Prosoché, Prokopē & Phila

Adam x


Marcus Aurelius

Born on April 26th 121 AD in Rome, Italy
He went on to become the Roman emperor in 161 AD and was regarded the last of the five so-called Good Emperors. He wrote the famous book on Stoicism called Meditations which wasn’t formerly meant as a book for the masses but rather just a journal for himself on how to live his life. Unbelievably years later, the lessons he used and applied in those days can still be applied to society today, and it used as a tool by many titans of industry present today. He later died in 180 AD and is celebrated as the ideal emperor.