Overcoming Nicotine Withdrawal: Take Care of Yourself with These Tips!

in #stop8 years ago

Overcoming Nicotine Withdrawal: Take Care of Yourself with These Tips!When you quit smoking, your body goes through complex chemical changes where is re-learns to function without a strong, addictive drug. For many people who quit smoking, it is a lifelong battle of cravings. Of course, these cravings are not as strong as you go longer periods of time without smoking. The first few weeks are the hardest for quitting smoking. During this time, you should take extra care of yourself to make it easier on your body to weather withdrawal symptoms. Here are some tips to follow to make quitting smoking easier.

Eat a Healthy Diet
When you quit smoking, your body needs all the help it can get to get those toxins out of your body. Eating a healthy diet full of veggies and fruits can give your body the antioxidant boost it needs to flush those toxins out. It will also give you the energy to get past nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Avoid any foods which will weigh your body down, like fatty foods or heavy starches. You definitely want to avoid alcohol while quitting smoking.

Get Enough Sleep
Our bodies always need adequate sleep in order to function well. Sleep is going to be even more important when you quit smoking. Your body will need the extra sleep time to help you recovery and get over the effects of nicotine as it leaves your body. Expect to feel a bit more tired in the days to weeks after you stop smoking so try to leave more time for sleeping.

Drink More Water
Water is a great tool for flushing toxins out of your body. When you drink extra water while quitting smoking, you will get the remnants of nicotine out of your body much faster and thus get over withdrawal faster. Water will also help you fight off those food cravings which come with quitting smoking.

Be More Active
Overcoming Nicotine Withdrawal: Take Care of Yourself with These Tips!Aerobic exercises, even if it is just taking the stairs instead of the elevator to work, are very helpful for quitting smoking. The exercise will bring oxygenated blood to your lungs and heart so they recovery from the effects of nicotine faster. Exercise can help you speed up the process of flushing toxins from your body. Also, exercise is a great tool against the mental anguish and stress which comes from nicotine withdrawal.

Take Vitamins

Vitamins are a great way to give your body a nice boost. While this may not directly make quitting smoking easier, it can provide you with the energy to overcome nicotine withdrawal and cravings.

Remember, taking care of yourself is incredibly
while you quit smoking. Your body will need all the help it can get to overcome the withdrawal effects of nicotine and help you adjust to your new smoke-free lifestyle. You don’t have to weather the tough process of quitting smoking alone. Smoke Deter is a natural smoking cessation aid which takes the edge off quitting. With the right lifestyle choices and Smoke Deter, it will be a lot easier to finally quit smoking for good.