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RE: My Wartime Diary. Seventh day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Live update from Kyiv

in #stoprussia3 years ago

Nobody welcomed refugees 2014 when they massacred the people from Donbass -- yes our Nato-slave governements "welcome" the so called "refugees" now (where most are from Africa waiting to enter the social paradises) but not our people .. not our Nations .. they can go to hell - we dont want them here !


What do you mean by "nobody welcomed refugees 2014"? Poland accepted around 1,6 million people from Ukraine only since then. 1,6 million is a really big number and I don't even count this year at all.
The map somebody posted here is a map of neighbour nations. This is where people escape from war, because, guess what: people don't have wings so they appear there at the nearest border. And they need help once they cross that border. And those nations do help them. What Africa has anything to do with this? It's more than 3000km away. Off course there are problems there as well but this isn't some goddamn auction who has worse. What, are you jealous now? African nations also help each other once terrible events happens to their neighbours, it's a normal thing to do.

Poland did not "accept refugees but cheap workers so that they could send their own workers to "richer" EU-lands to ruin our economy because of their illegal workers here not paying taxes or social insurance but sending everything home .. including stealing what they could get .. we had the slogan -- make vacation in Poland -- your car is already there .. your "refugees" are all working-age single people .. cheaper than your own ones. Since when had Poland ever paid for others ..

Yeah, Ukrainians migrated to Poland were "cheap workers" that support Poland now, even the old people and kids. Meanwhile Polish people that migrated elsewhere weren't "cheap workers" at all. They were ruining economy thiefs. Absolutely logical and no hate at all.

Don't say "we" as I don't see anybody here agreeing with you and don't bother to respond as I won't write you back any more.

"WE" is my people, my folk - my nation .. and we neither want your "polish workers" nor your ukrainian immigants .. anyway this will end soon as the EU soon will collapse and then you will get the bill to pay for what you did to us .. WE - not the few creeps like you ! And why not more of "us" are here ? Because our people have to work to feed creeps like you, immigrants and useless parasites, from individuals to whole nations - at our expense you can easily run a big mouth, but that will soon be over - very soon !

Sorry you feel this way. We feel different.

you "feel" -- we PAY !

This is all I can do in this moment. And I'm glad I have the ability to feel empathy for people. I can do something now and if it is only giving my words and what I can beyond that. Politics? Am I to blame? Not the right place to go down that lane. I do feel for you too.

wow YOU DO .. and others pay .. that those criminals invade our lands and have a good life we have to pay for -- ´WE pay - not YOU - YOU just want to feel good on costs of others .. what are you - one of the Soros-Gang ?But I guarantee you -- it wont last long - whole Europe will change soon and they - and all of you who are so generous on behalf of others -- will have to pay ! But people like you dont give a damn -- how others feel or have to live because of all that invaders you force on us .. the only thing that counts is that creeps like you FEEL GOOD -- enjoy it -- the clock is ticking ! Be sure it wont last long anymore !

and watcch what your poor poor Ukros did to the people in Donbas since 2014 --these are all the criminals now who "escape" now from the Russian justice ! #STANDWITHRUSSIA

Only resentment and hatred emanates from your words, hidden from a fake profile, I think our world would be a better place if everyone was like you, greetings

Everything that threatens my people, my culture, my existence is my enemy and it is natural to hate and fight your enemies . but just as ugly broads always complain that beauty is only a construct , those who want to parasitize from more capable ones complain that they are hated by them if they are not given everything that others have created ... and you know what ? It is even true ... who wants to parasitize from us at the expense of our existence is our enemy -- and therefore hateful and to fight !

#standwithRussia #GoPutinGo !

I am not sure where you come from when you talk about we. If you are from Germany I am asahmed of having such people in my country.

We welcomed people in 2014 and 2015 in Germany and we will do it again now. By the way. We are welcomming everyone who is now comming from Russia because they do not want to be part of this massacre.

Go and tell you weird talks somewhere else.

No I am not German but you are not German either German would "welcome" the worst enemies and destroyers of peoples and culture in the land of their ancestors .. creatures like you will be guilty for the war coming in Europe .. we will have to fight to rescue the lands and cultures of our ancestors .. and we will ! Be sure -- you all will have to pay for the crime of genocide ! !

You are talking about war genocide and killing people. How can this be anyone else guilt?

People like you are seeking guilt by others for their own weakness and being unable to get their life running.

Get out of your rat hole and see how good the world is. The joy of meeting people from other countries.

The world is far feom peefect abd rich people keep their richness for themselves instead if sharing it with the poor.

That causea migration. But people from foreign countries seeking for help are never the problem. They are the symptom for a deeper lying illness of inequality.

If you want to meet people from other countries .. go to other countries .. and dont support the genozide of our peoples, races, nations and cultures by supporting the invasion of the scum of the planet !
We ARE inequal .. importing the inferior only ruins the superior (which is the NwO-idea behind it by the organizers) .. and this is against natur and evolution .. Nature separated us for a reason -- mess with nature and you lose !
I you are so fond of those inferior -- go there and play "equality" in their lands and slums on your costs -- not ours ! !
War and civil war per Geneve declaration are NO REASON for asylum .. who does not stand his ground and fight is a coward ! And trust me, I know the differenece, I have been a war-reporter for a long time - I met heroes, cowards and scum of all kind ! And what comes here is the scum !
Who invades our nations accross several safe borders looking for the nations with best social welfare does not "seek help" but social welfare, white women and a "better life" .. if they want a better life its up to them to build one in their lands ,, if they are not able to then they dont deserve it !
The last 2 Worldwars killed 30 Million Austrians and Germans and our ancestors remained and built up again .. for us, for our OUR people, for OUR children and grandchildren and not for the scum of the planet! and be sure .. we will honor this .. these "help-seekers" will pay for what they do to us now - same as those who "help" them in .. because soon this system will collapse and then we will take over ! And you will have nothing and nowhere to "escape" to. nobody will help you and this scum then !
Be prepared -- it comes ! Soon !

Do you really try to thread me? Here on hive, because noone can see your real name?

You are such a poor person.

One hint. Your kind will never take over. You are so afraid of everything that you wont have the strong bonds needed to take over.

In addition I am sure, that most of the world learned from WWII. It seems you and your kind did not.

So much from me. I wont waste my time anymore here.