Didn't Steem already restart once. I believe ninja premine happened twice. It already doesn't have this immutable property you are talking about.
Aggroed has put in a ton of work to improve steem, so his opinion is prob different than others who have done much less work.
Btw, look at what happened after Ethereum forked out Ethereum Classic. Who even talks about it?
I'm not saying I agree with the fork but it should def be an option on the table.
We are the actors relevant to this present situation, and we were not involved in the ninjamine. What happened then was not our responsibility, and what happens now is.
See my full reply to @lukestokes above for why I think we should keep our hands off other people's stakes today.
tl;dr do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If we start taking folks money, no one will put their money where we can take it - and Steem will die.
Okay, lets just pretend it never happened and so we have no problem.
But wait....
My point is that we came here after the mining was over. If we put money into Steem after the mining, and now claim to be offended by the mining, that's on us. If you didn't know about the mining before investing, you didn't do due diligence. If you did, and you're now claiming it's a problem, you're being disingenuous.
Either way, it's not our stake.
Good luck finding anyone who'll invest under those rules.
Any blockchain including steem operates under these rules.
If any big bitcoin miner announce that they never accept any block with your transaction - say goodbye to your funds.
And we see that reflected in investment. Cryptos remain a marginal segment, with those least trustworthy being least adopted. I'm not saying cryptos are less trustworthy than fiat, merely that substantial investors have more trust in traditional mechanisms than novel code based mechanisms. Every time a HF changes the rules, crypto becomes less trustworthy, and investors take note.
Traditional investment is regulated such that investors are protected by regulators, and insofar as they do so, investors can have confidence that they can invest per their interests and due diligence being rewarded only by their intelligence, or penalized by their misunderstanding. Sadly, it is glaringly evident that regulators are corrupt, and what we see in global markets is crony capitalism, which is why money is increasingly focused into the accounts of banksters, rather than competent investors.
Crypto was intended to defeat crony capitalism corruption (ostensibly) but cannot do so by recreating the untrustworthiness of fiat markets. Folks that disregard that trust is paramount and instead seek gratification and corrupt profiteering kill the goose that lays the golden egg: trust.