
Thank you, dear, but i have more than enough of cash, although it of Nick's work mates. When it all started, we drove to the office and took salary for those who left Kyiv asap as they close office for the unknown time. Now I am responsible for their money, but if i.need i can borrow them i think and give back when situation will back to normal.

Thanks a million again!!! 🤗🤗🤗

Good to know, but honestly, my offer stands, if you are in need of money, please let me know. Better have some savings to be safe as we don't know how long this madness is going to last. I hope you can buy some food and what you need, when shops open. 🤗😘🙏 Stay safe and keep us updated and the whole blockchain is praying for you! 💛💙

You have my word. You are amazing!

Stay safe! Слава Україні!I second @erikah's offer: if I can help with sending some HIVE, let me know. If not now, maybe later to help you reconstruct what's been destroyed.

I've been thinking about it. It will be huge damage, so much to rebuild, blown bridges, communications, houses and hospitals. Oh,... 💔
So far, I found payment details of Charitable Organization that helps our Army. I can post their web page with all details and reports.

Tomorrow i gonna go to volunteer center and ask what do they need the most. For now, our main goal is to hold our capital 😬