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RE: War in Ukraine. Live update from Kyiv, day 4-5

in #stopwarinukraine3 years ago

We have just read your latest post here in the Mountain West of America @zirochka. We are so thankful for your efforts to keep bringing us reports from there directly, unfiltered by any of our news source, for which we have so little trust.

Love this:

"Famous "Kadyrovtsy" where stopped, half of them died, inuding commander."

We watched one of our Navy Seal commentators talk about this fighting force and what they represented. So great to here of this outcome. Speaks volumes about the fighting spirit and strength of the Ukrainian people, in the face of this horrible tyranny.

We are told here this morning that Putin, in the face of these setbacks, is threatening the use of nuclear weapons. We pray for our world's leaders, that they have the wisdom to address this grave threat.

"People all over the country are showing unprecedented courage and heroism. There are already many cases where people go out unarmed, men and women, and stand on the road in front of russian tanks. And stopped them! Or set fire to Molotov cocktails. This isn’t learned behavior, the fighting spirit you see on TV and in press is in our DNA. Who am I to be afraid of?"

And we will continue praying for you and your people to persevere in your heroic efforts.


Putin's threatening the nuclear weapons is a dangerous situation, and I don't know how it can be resolved :( As I said, it's like watching a monkey swallow a hand grenade.