{Must Read} Rabbit Love Episode 12

in #stories7 years ago

Episode 12.

The next day, i wasn’t really myself, i didn’t get enough sleep the previous night, i was down with headache.
After that day show, i quietly went to the backstage to rest my head.
After a little while, Bella walked in and as usual she was parading herself and chewing gum noisely liked she owned the world.
I ignored her and put my head on the dressing table.

”I must confess you are getting better at all this, you didn’t look as foolish as you looked the previous days” Bella said to me.

I made her look foolish by not even raising my head not to talk of replying her. I pretended like no one talked.

”Hey, have you suddenly turned deaf” she asked me, infuriating me the more.

Luckily, before i could reply her Dency watson walked in.

”sorry to disturb” she said talking to no one in particular.

”like duh! Why do we have doors? So you can knock on them” Bella said.

We ignored her, i knew she wasn’t also in good terms with Dency. They were both the most sort after supermodels. I have come to realize that Bella hates competition and competitors.

”Becky, hope you are okay?” Dency asked me with genuine concern.

”Like seriously? Didn’t i just talk to you Dency” Bella asked visibly angry.
”what if you talked” Dency answered.
”if i talked then i expected a reply, nobody ignores Bella” she answered proudly, my hatred for her was increasing everyday.
”Bella, you should know me by now, when my dogs are barking i don’t bark with them” Dency replied calmly and i couldn’t help but laugh.
”Did you just call me a dog?” she asked angrily.
I was enjoying the drama.
”Was there water in my mouth when i said it” Dency asked.
”oh! You have touched the lion’s tail”
Bella raised her hand to slap Dency but she caught the hand in mid-air.
”Bella, I can tolerate all your pestering and insults but slap, no no, no i can’t take that from you, you hear me? I can’t take it from you, idi*t”
i knew that things will get out of hands if i don’t interfere, so i gently walked up to Dency, and patted her on her back calmly.
”Dency, it’s okay, don’t let her get to you” i said to her.
”thanks, i just needed to let all those words out, i have been bottling it up for a while now” she said to me and then turned to Bella again ”and as for you bi*ch, the next time you raise your filthy hands on me again, i will cause a great scandal for you that will ruin your career, and this time you won’t be able to use your body to get out of it”

”don’t threaten me! I am warning you”

”i wasn’t threatening you, you dummy, i am only warning you to stay off my path”

”A b*****d warning me, Bella you have suffered” Bella said smiling wickedly
”A b*****d with dignity and pride and talent, unlike, you a cheap wh*re without talent”

Bella hissed and started packing her things hurriedly.
”I curse the day my father met your mother” she said while packing her things.
”don’t you dare, bring my precious mother into this, it’s between you and I, sister!”
i had to intervene, things were getting out of hand, they were already bringing their personal unresolved matters into the fight.

”D, let’s go to your dressing room”
i said to Dency.
”you guys can eat this room, i’m out” Bella said and walked out.

”ha! I finally feel okay” Dency said and laughed.
”i never knew you to be this aggressive” i said to her.
”am only aggressive whenever am around her” she said smiling.
”you two must be really good friends” i said and went back to my seat.
”good friends indeed! Well, sorry about the little drama, i actually came in to check on you” she said taking the seat that Bella had vacated. ”I noticed that you’ve been quiet since today, what’s wrong” she asked me.

”nothing serious, just slight headache”
”woah, you temperature is really high” she said while touching my forehead.
”yeah, i didn’t get enough sleep last night”
”what happened”
”nothing, i went out last night with someone”
”That someone must be really special for you to loose track of time while hanging out with him or her”
”quit being nosy” i said playfully.
”am just being a good friend, well you can rest all you want since you won’t be making any appearance tomorrow”
”yeah, you are right, thanks alot”
”you are welcome, so can i have your address so i can check up on you tomorrow” she asked me.

I wrote the address for her and she screamed when she looked at it.

”what is it”

”Victoria Island? I never knew i had a super rich friend”
”you are really a drama queen, what is the big deal about Victoria Island”

”that places stinks of riches and power and some innocent human blood, what i mean is that, it’s a dwelling place for the rich and powerful and influential”
”I had no idea” i said pretentiously
”well, who do you live there with? Your parents, your rich uncle or you stay alone” she asked.
”i don’t stay alone”
”then with who”
”well, i stay with my boyfriend and we are about to get married” i said defensively.
