Okay, so I've decided that because of how things have been going thus far, it's best to have most major Stormhaven Media or Stormkeeper projects happen from March onwards, leaving December to February as a combination of holiday time (given that not a lot happens for most of those months anyway), as well as planning out stuff to start from March, where the weather is starting to get warmer, and I've had time to have a break from my holiday (in my case anyway) before trying to get stuff done; this doesn't mean that nothing will be going on during those 3 months, but December tends to be when things start slowing down, and essentially people need time to get over the festive and new year's period for a variety of reasons!
Apart from the plans, I do plan to keep some things going throughout the year, although I'll talk about that more on the dedicated blog for each Stormhaven Media and Stormkeeper outlet, so people know how things are going to be affected, as in what is still happening, what will pause/slow down and how long for, and what won't start back up again till February (if needed to be started earlier, albeit from next year) or March, that sort of thing.
In any case, watch out for a blog post explaining things sometime in the first half of February, maybe before in some cases.
Please remove this post... I do not have any interest in religion.