En un orfanato vivía un niño llamado Mario desde los 5 años, sus padres habían fallecido en un accidente.
In an orphanage lived a boy named Mario from 5 years, his parents had died in an accident.
Mario siempre estaba deprimido ocasionando que todas las personas que iban a adoptar niños ni lo veían por lo tímido y triste que se veía, pero un día llego una pareja y al conocer su historia quisieron adoptarlo.
Mario was always depressed causing that all the people who were going to adopt children did not see him because of how shy and sad he looked, but one day a couple arrived and when they knew his story they wanted to adopt him.
Al culminar todo el tramite Mario se mudo con nueva familia, se sintió muy incomodo y molesto porque sentía que ellos querían reemplazar a sus padres biológicos y decidió no quería vivir con ellos y que se tenía que salir de esa casa de alguna manera, así que comenzó a ingeniar un plan.
At the end of the process Mario moved in with a new family, he felt very uncomfortable and upset because he felt that they wanted to replace their biological parents and he decided he did not want to live with them and that he had to leave that house in some way, so He began to invent a plan.
Su plan se trataba de tener un mal comportamiento tanto en la casa como en la escuela.
His plan was about having bad behavior both at home and at school.
Pero su plan no le funcionaba ya que sus padres putativos lo querían mucho, entonces él pensó que debía tomar medidas más drásticas y decidió escaparse para meter en problemas a sus padres y las autoridades lo regresaran al orfanato.
But his plan did not work because his putative parents loved him very much, so he thought he had to take more drastic measures and decided to escape to get his parents in trouble and the authorities returned him to the orphanage.
Salió por la noche al otro lado de la ciudad a un parque, los padres asustados y preocupados llamaron a la policía para buscarlo.
He went out at night to the other side of the city to a park, frightened and worried parents called the police to look for him.
Esa noche Mario por primera vez en su vida sintió lo que era pasar frió, hambre y estar solo.
That night Mario for the first time in his life felt what it was like to be cold, hungry and alone.
Pasaron tres días hasta que lograron encontrarlo, los padres se encontraban feliz y le explicaron que ellos no querían ocupar el lugar de sus padres, y a pesar de no tener los mismo lazos sanguíneos lo estaban protegiendo de todos los peligros que habían en la calle, sin esperar recibir nada a cambio solo comprensión. Podían ofrecerle cosas que por razones de la vida en un orfanato no podía ofrecerle, tendría un calor de hogar, una familia y alguien con quien contar en las buenas y en las malas siempre.
Three days passed until they were able to find him, the parents were happy and explained that they did not want to take their parents' place, and despite not having the same blood ties, they were protecting him from all the dangers that were in the street, without expect to receive nothing in return just understanding. They could offer him things that for reasons of life in an orphanage he could not offer, he would have a home warmth, a family and someone to count on, always and good.
A lovely story for a child who feels he could do without his parents. Well told! You have a few small mistakes in the translation from spanish to english. Sus=his. Upvoted!
Thanks, I'll be aware when they use the translator