Teuku Umar ahli siasat perang/Teuku Umar is a war strategist (Bilingual)

in #story-hero7 years ago (edited)


Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan, begitu gelar yang beliau sandang, salah satu Pahlawan Nasional asal Aceh yang lahir di Meulaboh - Aceh Barat pada Tahun 1854 dan wafat pada Tanggal 11 Februari 1899, (besok tepat 199 Tahun syahidnya Teuku Umar) pejuang bangsa ahli taktik muslihat dalam menaklukkan Belanda.

Teuku Umar berjuang melawan penjajahan Belanda mulai dari Tahun 1873 sejak usianya 19 Tahun dan pada Tahun 1878 saat perjuangan Aceh mulai mengalami banyak kemunduran, banyak diantara pejuang Aceh meninggal saat itu, termasuk suami Cut Nyak Dhien Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga gugur dalam pertempuran dengan Belanda.

Selanjutnya dengan proses yang rumit dan diwarnai penolakan, Teuku Umar menikah dengan srikandi Aceh Cut Nyak Dhien yang telah janda dan melanjutkan perjuangan dari penjajahan Belanda.

Kemudian mengingat situasi perjuangan prajurit Aceh yang kian melemah, Teuku Umar melakukan taktik menyerah kepada Belanda pada Tahun 1883 sampai dengan tahun 1886 setelah berhasil merampas senjata dan berbagai fasilitas perjuangan Belanda, Teuku Umar kembali ke Markas pejuang Aceh dan melanjutkan perjuangan melawan Belanda.

Pada Tahun 1899, Belanda mendapatkan informasi dari mata-mata, bahwa Teuku Umar kembali ke Meulaboh dari Kutaraja, Malam menjelang 11 Februari 1899 Teuku Umar bersama pasukannya tiba di pinggiran kota Meulaboh. Pasukan Aceh terkejut ketika pasukan Van Heutsz mencegat. Posisi pasukan Umar tidak menguntungkan dan tidak mungkin mundur. Satu-satunya jalan untuk menyelamatkan pasukannya adalah bertempur. Dalam pertempuran itu Teuku Umar gugur terkena peluru musuh yang menembus dadanya.

Jenazahnya dimakamkan di Mesjid Kampung Mugo di Hulu Sungai Meulaboh. setelah jenazahnya dibawah berpindah -pindah oleh prajurit Aceh.

Mendengar berita meninggal suaminya, Cut Nyak Dhien sangat bersedih, namun bukan berarti perjuangan telah berakhir, Dengan gugurnya suaminya tersebut, Cut Nyak Dhien bertekad untuk meneruskan perjuangan rakyat Aceh melawan Belanda, Ia pun mengambil alih pimpinan perlawanan pejuang Aceh.

Demikian kisah singkat dari Perjuangan Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan.


Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan, as his title, one of the National Heroes of Aceh born in Meulaboh - Aceh Barat in 1854 and died on February 11, 1899, (tomorrow exactly 199 days martyrs Teuku Umar) the nation's tactical craft tactics conquer the Netherlands.

Teuku Umar fought against Dutch colonial rule from 1873 onward from 19 years and in 1878 when Aceh struggle began to experience many retreats, many of the Acehnese fighters died at the time, including Cut Nyak Dhien husband, Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga was killed in the battle with the Dutch.

Furthermore, with a complex and colorful rejection process, Teuku Umar married Srikandi Aceh Cut Nyak Dhien who has become a widow and continues the Dutch colonial struggle.

Then, given the increasingly weakening situation of the Aceh warrior struggle, Teuku Umar tactfully surrendered to the Dutch in 1883 to 1886 after capturing the weapons and various facilities of the Dutch struggle, Teuku Umar returned to the base of the Aceh fighters and continued the struggle against the Dutch. .

In 1899, the Dutch received information from spies, that Teuku Umar returned to Meulaboh from Kutaraja, The night before February 11, 1899 Teuku Umar and his army arrived in the suburb of Meulaboh. Aceh troops were surprised when Van Heutsz's troops were intercepted. The position of Umar's army was unfavorable and impossible to retreat. The only way to save his army is to fight. In the battle of Teuku Umar was killed by enemy bullets that pierced his chest.

His body was buried in the Mugo Village Mosque in Hulu Meulaboh River. after his body was torn down by the Aceh army.

Heard the news of her husband's death, Cut Nyak Dhien very sad, but that does not mean the struggle is over. With the death of her husband, Cut Nyak Dhien is determined to continue the struggle of the people of Aceh against the Dutch. He also took over the leadership of the Aceh resistance fighters.

Similarly, the short story of the Struggle Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan.

The various sources


Believe me i love Indonesian culture history and food.Indonesia'n people so polite and gentle.The country have nice environment and beautiful place.

Yub, the emerald land of equator hmm


Tulong @m4r200k1 mita data ttg Mesjid tuha di Blang Guron jet?