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RE: Nicaragua Crisis Update June 4th, 2018.

in #story-mentor7 years ago

Thanks! I had a long chat with mama this morning. She is willing to try natural at home. She is terrified of the hospital and I think w kind find a midwife close by. Labour has stopped this morning! Baby is still moving an heart rate is fine.


From what you're describing, almost anything will be safer for Little Mama than a C-section in these conditions. Short of placenta accretia, previa or transverse lie, she's better off. No gunshots, serious infections, critter-infested rooms or other hazards at home!

If you can find a midwife, you guys will really be cooking with gas.

We think we have found one. She will have to come across the back way here, on horseback, but if she can make it, it will be a Godsend!

Hallelujah! I'm praying hard for you guys.