Storytelling Mentorship Group - a warning

in #story-mentor7 years ago (edited)

Today, I found out I've been taken for a fool. @brightex has been using stories taken from the internet and using them in the Mentorship Group so we will upvote him.

That's not happening, I'm afraid. Once I find out that you've lied to me and the group, all trust is lost and while I had wanted to give @brightex a second chance, one of the previous stories nagged at me because it had seemed so familiar.

I went back to check and found that I was right. I searched for confirmation of my suspicions.

This particular account is not a true story, however, but rather a work of short fiction authored by Roy Popkin in 1964. It was published under the title “Night Watch” in the September 1965 edition of Reader’s Digest and has subsequently been reprinted in a number of Chicken Soup for the … Soul collections of inspirational pieces.

I don't accept liars in the group and though it could be said that storytelling is 'lying', I believe that using your imagination for entertainment purposes is one thing - storytelling - and lying or regurgitating someone else's imagination for profit here on Steemit is dishonest.

I've read a few of the introductory posts and some seem very familiar, very similar to others.

Because of all this, new members to the group will not be allowed in. I'll stick to the ones we have now - the ones I have mentioned, commented on and upvoted, but no new members are being accepted.

There will be no negotiation on this, I'm putting MY time into it and I'm afraid that what I say goes in regards to this decision.

If you don't like the decision, you know where the door is - please feel free to leave the group.

Any more of this kind of behaviour and I will not only remove the offending person, but I will also remove all upvotes and if necessary, flag the posts.

Yes, I AM that angry about this.

Image from Google free to use search


I think that this should happen sooner or later. In all structures and community there are people who abuse. Such people like to make a profit and do nothing.
Your group is created to encourage creators of original content.
I support your decision. Temporary isolation will make this group privileged. (that is, it will become more valuable). But you will have more free time to give it to an honest author.

Trust is so hard to get but it is lost in seconds.

You definitely have reasons to be angry but it is good you've shared so everyone will be aware of it!

Good luck!

I seem to recall (I think) that you were going to limit the number in the group anyway?? Even if this hadn't happened, you can't keep taking new people into the group, as you'd only have time to critique and mentor a limited number. I think 6 would be a good amount, max of 10. Don't spread yourself too thin.

I'm sure you already know I fully support your decision. I didn't find his comment the slightest bit touching. When you are generously sharing your time and expertise with a few select people, they need to earn it. People who are not ready to do the work required can still learn by observing.

Yes, you're correct in bringing up that point.

I think 6 would be a good amount, max of 10.

I agree with you there, too.

Yes, I know you support me - and have done for a LONG time and I appreciate it, along with your friendship.

I had to leave Steemit alone last night, I was starting to get angry with everyone pleading his case. When I had the urge to stop mentoring every one of his supporters, I decided to take a step back and calm down.

It's funny you say that. I get so suspicious these days particularly when I read the impassioned pleas that I think they are part of a ring or the same person. But that's just me :0)

Absolutely! Some of the comments have been copied and pasted to me because I've muted the account and can't see the replies either.

A musician will be able to tell one artist from another, just by listening. It's often the same with writers. For example, it's often glaringly obvious that one person has more than one account because, even if they attempt to disguise their writing, some things stand out as distinctive.

I notice that too, very eloquently put! I would expect nothing less though hehe!

Haha! Thank you!

Trev was quite amazed yesterday. I gave him running commentary on how things were going.
"I've seen that story somewhere before, I know I have!"

Tap-tapping on the computer ensued.

It took a while, but I found the source for both stories and the thing that made me most annoyed was the fact that some points had been altered which proved to me that the person KNEW he was doing wrong. If he'd believed he was ok to post 'inspirational' stories, he'd have left them exactly as they were. I didn't know at the time that @cheeta had already warned him before.

Trev marvelled at the fact that I read the stolen stories and recognised them.

It's a good feeling when you track something like that down lol.

It is the changing of little aspects that shows the deliberate nature of it all. That's the bit I hate the worst.

Just when I found myself in the middle of writing my introduction post, enjoying myself finally and I see this. Really sucks that people are not willing to stop at anything for potential gains. I admire what you are doing here and wish you luck in developing this community further. Honestly if someone put so much effort into faking a post, he might as well have jut written something original, a better use for his time.

Don't let it stop you from writing the intro post. I'm not accepting 'just anyone' into the group now, but if you participate in the group's posts and I like what I see, I may just invite you into the group anyway.

That is all the encouragement that I need. Don't hold your breath though, I am still very bad.

Such a shame somebody tried to pull that stunt off. Fully agree with your decision, it's just a shame that the minority spoils it for others.

Yeah. There have been a few people ask to join the group since I stopped accepting more members. I think it will be invitation only from now.

The people that are taking it seriously seem to value what I'm doing here.

Really do appreciate everything you've done me getting a foothold on the platform! I need to catch up with the mentor tasks, just been having fun in the snow :)

I saw the fun - with a new metal detector! Lol!

Money well spent, I will take it mining and see if we find any lost loot!

Brilliant idea!

I would be angry also, Michelle. I don't abide by lying and cheating. Unfortunately, we are seeing more of this here on Steemit. You have every right to slam the door on these people.

Thanks @cecicastor. I feel strongly about this platform and I believe people that are just here for the money are being short-sighted and selfish.

I also think that just because I'm 'giving away' the advice for nothing, it doesn't necessarily follow that the advice is worth nothing.

I haven't asked for anything in return, I don't expect payment, but I do reserve the right to withhold my advice if I so wish.

Thanks for coming along on this particular journey. I hope we can go further with it. Xx

How'd they get around @cheetah ?

@cheetah only checks for exact plagiarism. This guy re-wrote the post, changing enough words to get past the bot.

I've read the stories before and recognised the story itself. I had to check through Google, using a search that would find the story, rather than finding the exact wording.

@cheetah is an excellent deterrent, but not infallible.

Okay, that explains it. Sorry that you got taken advantage of.

Thank you... me too.

Lesson learned though :)

Yeah.... As the old Irish saying has it, "No good deed goes unpunished."

I've had to learn a few lessons of the sort myself. I survived. :)

I've been caught out by that one a few times. I'm learning though and I try not to make the same mistake twice these days.

I want to thank you for letting me know, I did not like it one bit. I did remove my vote also, and left a comment, then muted him.

You're welcome. I didn't think you'd be pleased.

The plagiarizer's only fate is to be burnt at the stake.

But seriously, this is outrageous. You were absolutely right to expose that guy. The only thing that worries me, though, is did I manage to hop on the last train and become the member of the group before you closed the door on those pitiful plagiarizing f***s (by the way, are you OK with swearing in the comments?)

You're in the group :) You asked and was accepted a while ago :)

By the way, how do you feel about zombie stories?

Zombies scare the living shit out of me! Bring it on! :D

I have the story brewing in my imagination (it would have been a nice pun if I wrote 'in my brain').

They have to be the fast zombies though... the slow, lumbering ones don't bother me.

Speed is one characteristic my zombie will definitely have...and the appalling snarl.
Today, I also wrote the 'my bedroom' post for story-mentor. Please find a minute to read it.

I know a little extra effort required by you. But it would be great if you randomly google search text from member stories. An online platform does after all depend on trusting one another, since no one actually knows the other. But trust can be misused and it would be better for all concerned if there is a 'background check' for the stories on offer.

Glad that you haven't decided to scrap the entire program because of one bad apple :)

I'd rather not have to put in extra work to check the people in the group. I'd rather take each person on their own merits and assume they're genuine.

Glad that you haven't decided to scrap the entire program because of one bad apple :)

I'd not do that, it's punishing everyone for the fault of one. Just turfing out the bad apple works fine :)

Well, that just sucks! Really, someone is going to try to scam a writing group with a professional writer? That's just stupid. And it doesn't help them grow.

Sorry about that. It's not fun to have someone take advantage of you. I really appreciate the advice, encouragement, and prompts to improve writing.

I didn't post yesterday because I'm still working on my bedroom story. It got away from me and is turning into something that might be too big for one installment. I guess that's my way of saying that you've inspired me and I appreciate it. Your time and effort are making a difference. :)

To be honest, I overlooked the first story that seemed 'familiar' - and I shouldn't have.

Thank you for saying that I'm making a difference :)

The cheeky bastas! It is getting so you cant trust any of the newbies sometimes. Or that is what it feels like.

I checked his account, he has had a few brushes with cheetah as well so lord knows if ay of his stuff is real

I'm really trying hard not to be suspicious of everyone new. This kind of thing makes it difficult.

It does indeed. I upvote contents is now because 50% of them are just wank

As most of us already know there are apps that can spin someone's writing to reuse without much chance of being caught. This is so sad when we are growing something here that can help us all.

I will resteem this post to let others know stealing is not tolerated.

Thank you. I think that sums it up very well <3

The aim of this platform, is not just about the money we earn, but it builds us intellectually, it improves our writing skills, it improves our thinking skills and make us come up with interesting stories.. Its feels so sad when this aim of improving our writing skills is defeated just for the money.. Lets say NO to PLAGIARISM.... Thanks

Thank you. I already do say no to that.

if such an incident, not only you I am angry if the members of the group there is a lie, if he says it is a fiction then you will not be angry at him is not ???
thank you for pouring it in steemit,

Thank you for sharing a post about your experience Hope this becomes a valuable lesson for me as a beginner. Every public lie should be destroyed, because it will cause people to fall into error. This is a very valuable experience for me. Thanks again

please dont be angry, he cheated , just need to warn him and get over it, and sure its not gonna happen again...before warned is before armed....nice post by the way

just need to warn him and get over it

No. I put work into this to help people.

I have had to go and spend time looking for those stories he stole so I can say that I was indeed correct and to give proof that I know where he got the stories from.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice? Shame on me.

You don't get a second chance to take me for a fool.

Great, Nice one

And you may also like to see his previous account which he seems to have abandoned I wonder how he came by his rep of 9 if not by doing the same thing?

how can i join this group?

You can't now, sorry. I closed the group for new members because of the actions of that one person.

Yes thank you

Thansk your sharing

Yes thank you

I read all your writings and I like it very much. I want to know more about this 1964 story. And will I be taken to this group? I wish you all the best

The link I used will give you as much information on the 1964 story as I found.

Unfortunately, I'm keeping the Mentorship Group closed now because of that one person's actions.

Hello i know you are angry, but try to control your anger.
And about not allowing new members to join, i already told a friend about this and the person is really good @story telling and the person already wrote her introductory post but you haven't commented or upvoted it.

I have a question for you.

Why should I forgive someone who has lied to me and the group twice - as well as lying to the members of with this account - because he'd not have been flagged to a Rep of 9 otherwise?

It's entirely my choice on who I allow to join a group where I spend a lot of my time helping people to improve their writing.

I will not be commenting or upvoting on anyone else who hasn't asked to join the group before today.

No discussions, no debate. My decision. If you think he should be forgiven for lying, that's fine, set up your own group to help him.

You can protect yourself from thieves with locks, there's no protection from liars.

added by edit My anger IS controlled, otherwise I'd have emailed the head of the hospital where he worked and warned of his dishonesty.

Ok ma. He might have been misguided.

No. Misguided is not knowing he was doing something wrong. He lied. He claimed the stories were his when he knew they were not.

I don't associate with liars and I certainly don't support them in any way. I've muted his account so I won't see any of his posts.

I've done with him, he should perhaps be thankful I haven't gone and flagged every one of his posts.

Thank you for not flagging his post.
I know you have a good heart and i believe you will still unmute his account.

At some point, this 'good heart' has to harden in order to save itself.

There will be no unmuting.

If this happens again, I'll report the person to @cheetah.

I was following @brightex. He is quite an intelligent folk. Well temptations happen. Lets say this is one of his trying times. I beg you pardon and forgive him in the spirit of LENT especially since he/she is already one of your students - your investment.

I'm not discussing this any more. My decision is final.

As I said to @samson12 - anyone that would rather be in a group with @brightex is free to make their own group and leave.

Anybody could had been angry and liars by no means are acceptable. Its these rats that are harmful for the community and could lead to a bad reputation regarding the community. Such rats should be bla bla.

Maybe a dumb question but how do I join this group?

Membership to the group is suspended for the moment. Feel free to use the tag, if you interact with the group, I may invite you in.

Nice very very beautiful picture, like I'm so short of words right now and I'm truly sorry for all, for taking you for granted, for shaming myself and for disappointing you. Truth is I'm really not good with writing but I hope to improve, just that my selfish interest made me want the money more than the writing skills I needed. I really hope you forgive me

Even if you're forgiven, @brightex, writers will not forget - and trust once broken is almost impossible to regain. You should have thought of that before lying and cheating. Take this to heart as a lesson you need to learn - but don't expect support from writers who are honest and spend a lot of time, effort and their valuable skills on their own original material. You're wasting your breath here, and that's your own fault.

This is so touching., you need to see his comment

I don't think she does need to see it.

I think you guys badgering Michelle, trying to get her to change her mind are almost as bad as the one she kicked out of the group.
You're taking sides in this and personally, I think you're wrong.

I accepted I'm wrong and I'm sorry about it. @samson12, @chiguy and @ikechukwu411, thanks much for all you have done. But please you guys should stop pleading further so as not to further anger and other steemians. I believe I'll be forgiven, if not, then I accept my fate

Oh lurd!
This is so touching. I feel like crying. Please forgive him.