Hmmmmmmmm.... The society we live in puts women in a secondary position. Making them subservient to men. This story is the typical case of a Nigerian woman, however ancient it seems there are still little traces in modernity.
Nigeria is a patriarchal society where men are seen as the dominants of the family ruling the affairs of the home. However, I am not against this as this is to put in order in the family but a bunch of men take this to the extreme leaving women out of important decisions in the family.
Coming to the crux of the matter as to whether virginity is still termed as important or whether there are still men that can say no to sex before marriage....
Here is my stand... I believe there are some few proportion say 5% of men that still controls themselves from sex before marriage. However little they are there are still men like that, that respects the wishes of their women
On the other hand, a host of men in the present world would prefee to marry non-virgins cos of their exposure. Sure you get.
But does this mean men do not appreciate virgins now?
Yes they do and would love to have one but such a virgin in the present world needs to educate herself to have it easy in marriage
There is no crime in being a virgin but an ignorant virgin - Nah
Ladies help yourself...
Also, in the present world a woman who contributes meaningfully to her family can never be viewed as a "thing" or property as the case might be.
Be an asset and not a liability to your man!
We live in a world of choices - it's up to women to be the change they want to see