During my school days as a young child myself and my colleagues we love playing football after the school hours, football is my favorite sport because majority of us are in school team, one day we decided to find another football pitch away from our school that we can play after the school hours, since the school authorities doesn't allowed us to play in school pitch after the school hours, we find one inside the National Art premises with a very large perimeter, there is a bridge with a very small water underneath where we swim after the game a pass-by we chased us away from this water and ask us to go home "This water is very dangerous there are different reptiles, go home your parents is waiting for you at home" we ignored him we thought he don't want us to catch our fun we are very young and the average age is 10-12 years old non of us have seen reptiles with our naked eyes before we only seen it on Television screen, we returned inside the water immediately he left, we did this several years every one of us has graduated from the school. Getty image
After 27 years that God want me to know is the one that protected whoever he wish, on this faithful day I boarded a staff bus from work after closing the daily work, on our way the vehicle got stocked on the bridge the driver said all passengers should go down to checked the fault, we all descended from the bus I look around and I discovered with my surprise this bridge that we swim under after our football game, took a walk to look down from the bridge I saw two gigantic crocodile with tick long tales, I was shocked I call some of the co-workers passengers to come see, some of them are very shocked "this kind of dangerous animals can be here", one of the passengers said his not surprised, for a very long time they have been killing snakes and some dangerous reptiles here. When we get back inside the bus I started narrated the stories about how we normally swim in this water after School closing hours. They are very surprised
Though, is only God that protected whoever he wish, Parents should take good care of there wards, by checked and visiting there school time to time, get direct phone contact of there class teachers.