His name is Yangel Clemente Herrera Ravelo, born in Venezuela-Capital District, with only 20 years has already become a big football, in 2015 exactly was when he would have a great season with the monagas! ,se jugaria el partido los azulgranas enfrentaban al equipo de JBL zulia , aquella tarde con aquel sol ardiendo y todos los chaimas emocionados y felices cantando todos unidos, estabamos ilusionados sabiamos que podriamos ser de primera de division de nuevo , yangel salia a la cancha con sus compañeros y el tomaba el ritmo del equipo , jugaba con aquella tranquilidad
yangel anotaria los 2 tantos que podrian a monagas a llevarse el campeonato
yo recuerdo aquella gran noche cuando saliamos campeones del torneo de adecuacion 2015 y los azulgranas volviamos a ser de primera era ya de noche y la gente enloquecio mucha alegria todos saltaban al campo a celebrar que monagas ascendia
luego yangel seria cedido al equipo de atletico venezuela donde luego de tanto resaltar en el futbol venezolano The Manchester City got to stay with said youth pearl, Herrera expressed these words: I am very happy to take the next step in my career. To have the opportunity to play with a high level of players of this type is very exciting and joining a team that has a good football philosophy is very important to me. "I am eager to play under Patrick Vieira as someone who's He played my position and I know I will be able to learn a lot from him I want to absorb all the good things about Patrick and the other players !
they wanted the boy football-minded boy in Maturín, the City Football Group, conglomerate that owns the powerful Manchester City of the English Premier, also the New York City FC in the United States and the Melbourne City of Australia
After the time I can say that Yangel has become one of the biggest youth in Europe and has adapted perfectly to the pace of play in MLS, although at the time of the mark is a bit strong and commits many faults, but in vision of game and in the handling of ball is one of the best I hope to see it soon debuting in a big team in Europe, rumors have been heard that the lyon wants to stay with the Venezuelan but the team of the United has not made anything official.