Good People tend to be MORE SMILE. Believe it or not, a person's goodness can be demonstrated by the way he smiles. Why? As more people smile, then Positive Eve will be scattered around. In addition, with a smile, people will seem more friendly & trustworthy
Negative thoughts such as envy and envy rarely afflict good people. The Good One will always PLAY POSITIVE MIND in his life. Even when he's having a tough time though, so it will spread a comfortable atmosphere.
Gharacteristic of good peopleood People are usually more often GETTING STARTED. Good people will not mind to greet everyone, even to people who do evil to him though. Good people always avoid the sense of being important people, want to be sought and needed. He usually does not need a person's recognition of his performance over the years.
Good People DO NOT WANT TO SHOW THAT HE IS GOOD. But the bad guy will always build a good image for (lack of) himself.
Good People are always PENDAR CONTROLLING EMOTIONS. They look very patient & tolerant. Do not give priority to self-interest.
ood People will tell stories or SHARE MUTUAL THINGS with the purpose of telling. Not to lead public opinion that he alone is the right one.
Good People always memorize 3 magic words. That is SORRY, PLEASE, and THANK YOU.
Good People will not mind to acknowledge the advantages of others. Especially if he feels guilty. They will not hesitate to ASK FOR SORRY AND IMPROVE MISTAKES. Unlike the bad guys who have high prestige & consider himself always right. Let alone confess wrong, think other people excel just prestige, There are just reasons to find fault and to drop others. May we can train ourselves to be patient in facing every evil and behavior of bad people. "IS GOOD TO BE IMPORTANT, BUT MUCH MORE IMPORTANT TO BE A GOOD PEOPLE"
May be useful.
so it should be true and shoulder to shoulder to help fellow human beings
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