The truth behind subuxone/subutex during pregnancy

in #story7 years ago (edited)

This was written by a close friend who wishes to remain anonymous.

I wonder how many of you have been told by your doctors that subuoxne also known as subutex is safe & your baby wont withdrawl most likely. I can tell you from experience that is 100% not true
More then half of babies who's mothers took it in pregnancy ended up with a baby on methadone in the NICU. Some of you may think "oh thats not bad he'll be comftable" WRONG thats not true your baby will withdrawal at some point no matter what & its the most heartbreaking thing ever to watch. I was on 8mg and my son was taken for methadone treatment and withdrawl at not even 24hrs old. I was in the NICU 17 days never left once. He was comftable most of the stay but when they stopped his methadone he was in pain, he cried and he tremored and couldn't sleep. I stayed with him through the worst of it and comforted him the i could. I cried and cried & pleaded with God who i dont even believe in to make it stop to take his pain. So if you really wanna risk watching your child go through this then so be it but i can tell you that you'll regret it. I wish somuch i could take it back but i cant. He's home now and much better but he still didn't deserve that. Doctor's can & will lie to you. Its more likely your baby will withdrawl. People need to know suboxone is dangerous and isnt worth it please don't listen to the doctor listen to someone who experienced it. product.jpg


Thank you for sharing this account. Was the mom on this for treatment of addiction?