law of Indonesia No. 23 in 2002 on the protection of children.
child protection based (pancasila) and based on 1945 as well as the basic principles convention rights child include,
the child is someone who has not been 18 year old (Eighteen) years. including children still in the womb,
child protection is all activities to guarantee and protect children and their rights in order to life, grow, develop, and participate, the optimal in accordance with the dignity of humanity, and got the protection of the violence and dikriminasi,
rights of the child is part of human rights required guaranteed, protected and fulfilled by parents, family, society, the government, and the state.
every child gets right respectively.
can live, grow, developing and berpatipasi reasonably,in accordance with the dignity of humanity, as well as receive perlindung of violence and discrimination.
indetitas self and citizenship.
to worship according to his religion, berfukir, and expression and sesui level intelligence and age, in the parental guidance.
to know his parents, grew up, and nurtured parents own, when due to a because parents can not guarantee child development, or child in squalor then the child is entitled taken care or lift as Foster children or adopted children by others in accordance with the provisions perundang- crustaceans applicable.
obtained services health and social security as needed physical, mental, spiritual and social.
obtained education and teaching in order to the development of personal and the level of intelligence his suit view of interest and his talent, children who have keungulan also entitled to receive special education.
for declared and heard opinion his receive, looking for and provide the information in accordance with the level of intelligence and age for the development of himself in accordance with the value of the value of decency and proper.
to rest and memfaatkan spare time, get along premises child contemporaries, play, Recreation, and creative in accordance with the interest, talent and level kecerdasanya for the sake of self-development.
got the protection of perlakuan..diskriminasi; exploitation good economic and sexsual; neglect; cruelty, violence and persecution; injustice and treatment of any other.
taken care of by parents his own, unless there is reason and / or the rule of law legitimate shows that the separation of it is in the interest of the best for children and is the final consideration.
gets protection from: abuse in activities pokitik; involvement in sangketa armed; involvement in the social unrest; involvement in the event that contain the element of violence; and involvement in the war.
obtain the protection of the target persecution, torture, or condemnation inhumane; gain freedom in accordance with the punishment, and arrest, detention, or not imprisonment of children only done if in accordance with the punishment apply and can only be done as an attempt terkhir.
keep violence in children and give happiness in children, because of the child is giving the power to your family thank you.
true story @aldokhan