The Story of the Most Strange Natural Phenomenon Ever Happened in the World

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians.............!!!

The Most Strange Natural Phenomenon Ever Happened in the World

The Strangest Nature Phenomenon Ever Happened in the World - Life in this world is a lot of strange events and does not enter the human mind including natural phenomena

The simultaneous moment of rainbow and tornado which occurs in one of the states of the United States of Colorado,
because it was a giant tornado visible above the Colorado sky and unexpectedly not far from a giant tornado that dominates the Colorado skyline.
appeared a rainbow with its beautiful colors just a few miles from the tornado,
and looks like a combination of tornadodan and rainbow colors that wrap the tornado so it looks so beautiful.
The incident was successfully recorded by a Dutch hurricane hunter.
Colorado itself is famous as one of the most frequent places of tornado phenomena in the world
even one month can reach more than 90 tornadoes that occur in the region.
Moon Shines Green Light
The next strange natural phenomenon is the moon that emits green rays. The phenomenon that occurred in mid-2013 was successfully recorded by ISO.
The phenomenon of green light is actually often the case for example in one of the mountains in Chile is often seen a green ray on the sun to set.
However, although often occurs in the sun this phenomenon rarely occurs in the moon because the green light itself occurs due to the refraction of light by the atmosphere,
because usually the atmosphere will deflect light that comes in another atmosphere that is not so dense layer of light so that the beam of green light.

Moon Shines Green Light
Black Star Telan Hole in Space
The Strangest and Terrible Natural Phenomenon next is a black hole that swallows stars in the sky where this event occurred at the end of 2013 and then
it is known that a large black hole or known as the Supermassive Black Hole is seen to have swallowed a star in space.
This natural event usually occurs once every hundred million years, and for the first time scientists have witnessed the rare event.

Black Star Telan Hole in Space

Cloud Phenomenon Hello
The next phenomenon is a halo cloud phenomenon that occurred in the sky of Jakarta late last year.
This natural event is somewhat strange and rarely happens where it appears a cloud surrounded by colorful lights such as rainbows,

an event that looks like the sun halo lasts for 15 minutes.

People who are on the move deliberately perpetuate the rare phenomenon with mobile phones and so forth.

Cloud Phenomenon Hello

Mysterious Voice In the sky
Not long ago there has been a strange and terrifying phenomenon that shocked the world
namely, the sound of a strange sound that came out of the sky has shocked the community,
because it has a loud buzz and is also deafening because it occurs during the day and it is not known where it came from.
Some countries are witnessing this phenomenon such as Germany, Canada, and the United States.

Mysterious Voice In the sky

The appearance of a giant pit

The emergence of a giant hole in the city of Guatemala is also the most bizarre and horrible natural phenomenon that ever happened in this world.
which where the event occurred in 2010 when suddenly appeared a giant hole in the land of Guatemala,
which where this hole has a depth of 60 meters and a width of 18 meters.
Actually the city has also happened the same thing in 2007, when suddenly appeared a giant hole that is estimated to have a depth of approximately 100 meters.

lubang raksasa



There are so many places in the world that the beauty and magic that so truly amazing. Its uniqueness and its magic from various places in this world may be many that can not be explained scientifically. It may even be that many of these beautiful and amazing places can be made as a place that will add to the list of the sum of the seven wonders of the world because of its uniqueness and its magic that may not have been widely exposed and known by the public.
Seeing the 7 wonders of the world will probably amaze you and will think how all the beauty and magic can be like that. What if you look at some of the following places that will make you no less astonished by the 7 wonders of the world. Yuks refer to 5 places or regions that may still not much in the know by khlayak general and behind the weirdness is still stored a mystery that some can not be solved by the scientists.

  • River with almost boiling water in Peru, be careful not to slip up later could be a boiled man
    Generally a river is in aliri with water that has a normal water temperature may even have a cold water flow or warm water, but what if you know there is a river with the flow of water that reaches a temperature of 91 degrees Celsius or near the boiling point of water. In the Peruvian region there is an unusual river like most rivers in the world, with streams of water almost boiling.

    IMAGE a river with water in it

This river named Shanay-Timphiska, has an unnatural water temperature and often make a bunch of animals that slip and fall into this river to die boiled. If in general the river water becomes hot because it is close to the volcano area, for this one river is very far distant 700 kilometers from the volcano. The mystery of the hot water in the river is still a puzzle to a number of scientists, but many scientists think that the hot water in this river occurs because the water is directly channeled to the earth's crust that has a high heat source.

  • Goa that its Water Can Change Something Being Stone in England, Wihh Danger donk If Affected Water
    Scream yes if there is water that if in touch can change any thing it becomes a statue like in a horror movie. Maybe it will make you think it is impossible. It is okay to believe that there is water that has a miracle can change this water-affected object will turn into stone. This miracle can be found in KanresBorough, North, Yorkshire, England located in Mother Shipton Cave.

water that can turn objects into stone "image source"

In the area of ​​Mother Shipton Cave there are a number of seepage of water pouring between the ceiling of the cave can turn any object into a stone. Not magic is not magic, all the objects affected by the running water can actually be a stone. In fact, many of the surrounding people who hang up any object like dolls and others intentionally to turn into stone. But in the process of this miracle certainly not as short as you might imagine like a magician playing a magic, the process of water in turning objects into stone in need of approximately approximately one month.

  • Every Spring Comes This Park Always Drowns By Water, You Can Snorkel around this Drowning Park
    A garden is probably one of the places you can use as a relaxing place to enjoy the scenery around. But what if you again relaxed suddenly the park was drowned by water, surely dive tools needed to explore the park. the sinking garden is really a loh, this park is in the area of ​​Austria, is a park that if not drowned is a beautiful garden along the path with a seat to enjoy a panoramic view of the lake Grner See.

    the sinking garden

This park is located around the forest and Mount Hochschwab which every year in the winter makes the forest area and this mountain is always covered by a very thick snow. As the winter changes with spring, the snow around the forests and mountains that accumulate begins to melt and result in increased water debit doubled and began to drown the park area. If you want to come here have to bring snorkeling preparation so you can enjoy the beauty of this sinking garden.

Rivers are always in Sambar Lightning in Venezuela, Not Just One Or Twice, in this River there Thousands of lightning strikes

Believe it not in Venezuela there is a river that every day is always in the lightning strike with the amount not even a few even thousands of times. This river named Catatumbo which almost every day in sambar lightning up to 10 hours. The activity of thousands of lightning struck this river began at 7 pm around, so that in total every year can reach a total of 260 lightning nights struck this river.

lightning phenomenon in the river Catatumbo

The phenomenon that occurs will be thousands of lightning strikes in this river is still a lot of conversation the scientists. Some scientists argue that thousands of lightning strikes occur due to the uranium content contained in the rocks of the river, but many also scientists who oppose the theory. In 2010 this phenomenon had stopped for 6 weeks duration, but then eventually this phenomenon again lasted until now.

  • Blue Lava in Indonesia, Blue Color Is Higher Temperature Level Of Red Colored Temperatures
    Maybe most of you know the color of lava or lava is red, or orange. In eastern Java there is a phenomenon that might make you stunned because of the activity of the volcanoes that emit blue color fire not like the volcanic activity usually issued a red or orange. This phenomenon can be seen in the crater area of ​​Ijen located in the area of ​​East Java is located between the border of Bondowoso and Banyuwangi.

lava blue crater ijen

The existing blue color phenomenon occurs due to sulfur gas in the mountain is burst with high temperature temperatures up to 360 degrees Celsius. The gas then undergoes a process of condensation so that it becomes liquid sulfur which eventually melts and burns to look like neon blue at night. This rare occurrence is not much found in many places in this world, if you are curious you can go to the crater of ijen at night, surely you will feel like living on another planet.

Friends of, perhaps from the weirdness and the magic of the natural phenomenon that occurred above there are still many places that have not been widely exposed and known by the general public. For those of you who like to travel, of course, natural wonders that you will meet is one of the greatest gift that you will feel. It seems that if you meet the magic of natural phenomena that occur would feel exciting and definitely make you feel like living on another planet that would make you not bored to enjoy it.

This is The Story That Ever Happened In The Natural World.
thank you for reading the story that ever happened in nature.
Greeting All Steemians ... From ALFA-GOOD


Nice content ! Upvoted from @chanthasam

thank you very much for your participation in my post
Hopefully that ever happened not to happen again.