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RE: The Doomsday Drip (Where are you living?)

in #story5 months ago

La importancia de votar con la cabeza y mantener una conciencia crítica sobre nuestras propias creencias, en lugar de dejarnos llevar por emociones o presiones externas.

If we make a political summary of, say, 1000 years, we could conclude that ‘nothing has changed’. The common denominator of the citizen of any country is programmed from birth to consider "presidents" as gods. It is a kind of "neural marketing", imposed in the same way as religious belief.

If, when growing up, an ordinary citizen has a different view, he or she is considered "anti-social, dangerous to the state". In one saga, they call them “DIVERGENTS".

What happens, frankly, is that education aims to make you more and more dependent. They don't want to educate thinking people but “manipulable" people. I come from a Latin country where the population is bought by a bag of food and a paltry contribution from the state. I liberated myself fourteen years ago, when I migrated to Canada, today a Canadian citizen.


I just read The Lessons of History by Will & Auriel Durant and the book supports the fact that not much has changed with the cycles of civilization. It was a great read. What has changed is how effectively the media and social media algos can influence peoples' perception of reality. I think this gives the people in power much more influence to "move the needle" to manipulate the public. Poverty and hunger have always been the biggest political motivators. It's a shame how ordinary people who just want to live their lives and be happy always seem to be the ones who suffer the most.