Information that all you have to know

in #story8 years ago

First of all I’d like to introduce myself and to express my gratitude to steemit and having possibility to represent my article. I’m going to tell you what happened with my friends and me and advise to you to avoid the sort of experiences.
I’m Givi metreveli, I’m from Georgia but I’m l have been living in Barcelona for 12 years. I had visited many places not only in Catalonia but different parts of Spain. After retelling you everything what happened with us, you will understand that it was very important to know geography, for exactly that moment when I was seeing my friends off.
My friends live in France and they visited Barcelona this summer (2016). They have been living in France for many years and visit different cities of Europe every summer.
After having a one week amazing holiday they decided to go back to France. We called for taxi to get to the railway station having in account that they were four with quite a large an count of baggage. We thought it would be a good idea to ask for only one taxi and another one would be my own car. It was impossible to place everything in one and the same time we could save money.
So the taxi arrived, I explained him where he had to go, but I didn’t tell him I was going to follow them with my car. When we were on the way I noticed the taxi driver was going a wrong direction, I thought it was because they do it frequently to earn more money driving long way. Some minutes later I realized that the taxi driver had passed all the side street that led to the station. Behaviors of the stranger was so strange, I couldn’t guess what was happening. Then I tried to drive along the side of the taxi and hint him as I could, he slowed down when he saw me and he stopped. Before getting out of the car I only noticed that all the side windows were up and it was up and the driver seemed something confused. When I came up to the car I noticed that my friends were sleeping… it was so unnatural because they had a good rest before leaving. it was in vine to wake them up and when taxi driver noticed that I was surprised he made an unsurprised as he didn’t understand anything.
I began to use all the strength to wake them up, I got angry and I was shouting at the driver wanting to know what happened. But he told me it might be because of being tired. But how could he assure me, as I know that they were absolutely well.
One of my friend who was in my car helped me to drag them out of the car while we were trying to wake them up, the driver began to take out all the luggage. He was nervous and every time was getting pail. He only told me that he didn’t want to involve himself in the trouble, he even didn’t ask for money and drove away. Meanwhile my friends got conscious, one of them was puking and another was dizzy … I wanted to call for ambulance or police but they didn’t let me. Then we called for anather taxi to get to the station. The story finished without complications but the reason of this story was that one of my friends who lives in Moscow retold me the story how people disappears in Moscow.
As you know Moscow is a huge city with millions of inhabitants, people disappearance and lost became normal for this city. A conversation with my friend from Moscow was just about this topic. He told me that there was a taxi driver who used to take their clients and while they were in the taxi, with a special spray that was installed in the car air-conditioning system, made them sleepy. He himself used to take some kind of medicine to not to get sleepy. Then he used to take people to the place where they used to have a business of selling of human organs, later the man had been cought by the police. He confessed that he kidnapped about 40 people.

Here I want to show you a small article that shows how many people disappears monthly in Moscow.
More than 200 people are disappeared monthly in Moscow. ‘’ don’t forget to buy some bread’’. It’s a phrase you can here almost in every family in Moscow, but after this phrase small children, men, women and old people never get back home. After 15 years late you can see their photos ‘’ lost without a trace’’!

«Не забудь купить хлеб»! Для двух сотен московских семей этой обыденной фразой заканчивается привычная счастливая жизнь. Дети, старики, мужчины, женщины ненадолго выходят из своих квартир и не возвращаются обратно. На длинные пятнадцать лет их фотографии ложатся в папки с надписью: «Пропавшие без вести».

Its only small part of the number of the articles which are published in the internet. Now I’d like to show you in Spain and generally in Europe how many people are disappeared. Ill show you the most important parts.

                                  14.000 people are disappeared in Spain

Ministry of internal affairs, justice and medical structures signed an agreement to strengthen organization and to pay more attention to the families of the disappeared people. In 2015 disappears more than 14.000 people, but from 14.000 people 10.000 don’t knows where are there family members.

Los ministerios de Interior, de Justicia y de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad han firmado un convenio para aumentar la coordinación para ayudar a las familias de personas desaparecidas sin causa aparente en España. En 2015 se abrieron unos 900 nuevos casos de desapariciones, lo que elevaría a entre 10.000 y 14.000 el número de familias que no saben dónde está un ser querido.
Sanches cortes briefly retold about the agreement, that they are going to be the first to open and investigate all the cases and also expressed his condolence toward the 250.000 disappeared families in all Europe.

It is all I wanted to explain, I hope you’ll be interested. It’s so hard even to imagine as I’m a father of a small child. Even thinking about it … my wife and I wouldn’t stand if something wrong happened with my son. He fills our life, and consequently all the disappeared people used to fill their beloved people’s life.