That day...finally telling the story...

in #story8 years ago

Something life changing occurred on July 12, 1993. Since that day, I have wanted to share an amazing story with the world. Alas, life got in the way and I allowed this spark of creativity to hide in the recesses of my mind. Today, I brush aside the cobwebs and try something I have never done. I will write. The idea of writing a book to house this story is daunting and is the reason I have never tried. I discovered steemit and believe this platform will suit me as well as motivate me. I plan to write a series of short stories that could be chapters. I don't want to edit and rewrite, I just want to share. Please look weekly for a new entry. I hope you read something that stirs an emotion, that is what human connection is all about. Here goes...


Looking forward to some more.

Thank you - just trying to figure out this Steemit platform.