Asylum seekers
Asylum; meaning Sanctuary
Sanctuary seekers
seeking humankind
human kindness
safety within the basic needs for survival
I have a swag, a mattress, a couch
I have enough food and water to share
Come and stay with me
I would be honoured to have you, your family within my home
Refugee, you are a gift to our society
An opportunity to diversify our thoughts
to diversify our language
to broaden our consciousness and the shed light upon the dark unknown we are all fearful of
I wish to absorb your external chaos with my external hospitality in knowing you will balance my internal chaos with your internal resolution in the necessity for change.
Sanctuary seeker
Will you come and save me
Thank you for your poem.
I don't consider myself a poet, however I did recently come across the weekly poetry slam challenge. Perhaps you would like it.
I will link one submission I made here as your piece resinated with the one I wrote a few weeks ago.