Doraemon is the title of a popular manga composed by Fujiko F. Fujio since 1969 and tells the story of the life of a 5th-grade lazy boy named Nobi Nobita who was approached by a robot cat named Doraemon who came from the 22nd century. He was sent to help Nobita keep Nobita's offspring enjoying his success rather than having to suffer from future financial debt, caused by Nobita's folly
Tom and Jerry is an American animated series produced by MGM that tells of a pair of cats (Tom) and rats (Jerry) who always quarrel. This animated series is an Academy Award winner (Oscar) and forms the basis of the successful Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) studio series. Their short story was created, written and directed by two animators named William Hanna and Joseph Barbera (they are known as Hanna-Barbera)
this is my favorite, Cyborg Kuro-Chan is the Shonen Manga series created by Naoki Yokouchi, the series in Kodansha magazine Comic Bomb Bomb. It was later adapted into an anime series produced by Studio Bogey and aired on TV Tokyo on October 2, 1999 through January 6, 2001, totaling 66 Episodes.
The Amazing World of Gumball (sometimes just referred to as Gumball) is an English-American animated television series created by Ben Bocquelet and produced by the European Cartoon Network Developer Group. The series was first aired in the UK on May 2, 2011, on Cartoon Network as a sneak preview and officially aired on September 5, 2011. In the United States, sneak peek aired on Cartoon Network on May 3, 2011, and aired in full on May 9th
While many parts of Europe and North America consider the black cat a sign of bad luck, in Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky.
While the white cat quickly becomes dirty
A cat called Dusty has the known record for the most kittens. She had more than 420 kittens in her lifetime.
i dont know about that.interesting
The cat's front paw has 5 toes, but the back paws have 4. Some cats are born with as many as 7 front toes and extra back toes (polydactl).
The cat appears to be the only domestic companion animal not mentioned in the Bible.